Hold Hands, Get Chocolate – No, not from your boyfriend

Hold Hands, Get Chocolate – No, not from your boyfriend

Milka, an Argentina chocolate company, set up a nifty vending machine with a catch, to promote “tenderness” between strangers. Bear with us…

You see, in order to dispense the free chocolate, people need to hold hands, one on one end touching the button on the machine, the other on the other end touching the button on the cow. This caused strangers to make a connection to share in the joy of Chocolatey goodness. Nice!

This is very Dance Floor Theory because:

  • Pattern interrupt” to get attention: what is that cow and purple vending machine with chocolate doing there?? Hmmmmm….
  • The organizers didn’t have to be there for their “pattern interrupt” to work, they created fun by using the environment.
  • The set-up caused people to make a positive connection and work together to experience something cool.

What do you think? Would you hold hands with a stranger for chocolate? (Isn’t that the definition of dating…just kidding.)

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