Swift Kick lives by certain company values that help us do amazing things every week. My personal favorite value is “Feed your butterflies**.” Basically, it means take that nervous feeling about doing something and turn it into motivation to just go for it. No, I am not talking about necessarily jumping out of a plane this new year because it scares you. Feeding your butterflies doesn’t need to be that huge. My personal theme for my 2014 resolutions is “Positivity and productivity” and feeding butterflies fits right into my plan. Here’s 3 little ways to integrate our metaphorical pretty winged friends into your every day and make this year your most productive and exciting yet!
1. Start with the hardest task first. You know when you are looking at a to do list and there’s that ONE thing on there that you would rather clean your entire house than do? Do that task first thing in the morning. I read a lot about successful to do lists and I see it all the time: you’re most fresh and at your peak in the beginning of your day. Maybe it scares you a little but if you simply force yourself to start, knowing the rest of the day gets easier after it is done, you’ll be surprised how much simpler it is than you thought.
2. “Do one thing every day that scares you.” Eleanor Roosevelt allegedly said this (though some say it is actually a Mary Schmich quote), and it has never failed to inspire me. Imagine all the little opportunities in a day you pass up because today is just not the day. Funny how it is NEVER the day, huh? Every morning, ask yourself what you can do to make that day a little special. Go to bed knowing you have one more experience under your belt. Maybe you had something different for lunch, maybe you sat with a stranger in the cafeteria. It is amazing how much you can gain from a tiny change in your daily routine.
3. Write down your adventures! You’ll want to celebrate every time you feed those butterflies. Writing what you did on a slip of paper every evening and collecting them in a jar will visually portray your successes and encourage you too keep at it. You wouldn’t want to go to bed without a fun memory to keep!

Feeding your butterflies isn’t always about doing big things. It’s about doing all the little things to add spice to your daily life and open yourself up to amazing HUGE experiences that may come about because of a little butterfly.
Happy 2014, friends!