Blender Events Brainstorming List

Blender Events Brainstorming List

If you follow our blog, you probably noticed we started a new segment called ‘Blender Events‘ where we highlight possible Blender Events student leaders could run on their campus.

If you’re a DFT alumni, you should already know the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of Blender Events. If the term is brand new to you, click here to get caught up.

At most DFT leadership trainings, we break into small groups to generate Blender Event ideas that could be implemented throughout the year. Because it is a brainstorming session, every idea is accepted, no matter how impossible or kooky it is.

In the past, we left the brainstorm lists with the schools to use as they please, but recently we started collecting the lists with the goal of generating a master Blender Event brainstorm list. Occasionally I’ll go through and mark ones that particular stand out to me for fitting within the four guidelines of a Blender Event…

  1. Bring it to Them
  2. Positive Reaction
  3. Connect the Dots
  4. It’s Cheap

and achieve one or both of the intended outcomes of Blender Events…

  1. Cause people to have a pattern interrupt throughout their day. Or, as we say in Dance Floor Theory, get people to go from “Meh” to “Hmmm.”
  2. Build peer-to-peer relationships by mixing people together with near-peers. Near-peers are people who are models of success that are just a stage or two ahead. In the Engagement Pyramid, a near-peer to an “X” would be a “1.” In Dance Floor Theory, we call this x+1.

So without further-a-do, here is the full Blender Event brainstorming list.

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