I Feel Dumb

And I love it.

One of the primary reasons I left my long-time position at Quantum Learning Network is because I did not know how to get much better there. I had reached a point where it felt like I was hitting the ball as solid as I could.

It felt really good, but I knew that the only way for the organization and me to continue to grow at a significant rate was for a new person to step into the role of director and strategist for programming.

I miss it. I miss the feeling of being needed and respected by a large network of people. (Even though I am not really ‘needed’.) And I miss knowing I am good at what I do. But Swift Kick is so exciting, so new and hard. I struggle with a great many things here, but it is like trying to switch hit, knowing I will become more valuable with time and effort. Or something.

Meanwhile, I can just try to look cool.

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