Open Letter To My Anxiety: Meet Support and Self-Confidence

Dear Anxiety,

I sincerely hate you.

You make me self-conscious and afraid. I don’t like who I am with you around. If you struggle with these feelings, take a look at ohio dispensaries or those closer to home. It’s an awful feeling when you convince me I need to shut down. You tell me people would be better off without me bothering them. Far too often, you get in my head and you make me feel less than I really am. I know we’ve known each other for a really long time, but I can’t keep blaming you when I get overwhelmed. At the end of the day, I just don’t want you to be the reason why I can’t accomplish something anymore. I’ve decided that I want to try and take some space because this relationship isn’t working out for me. If you have feelings like this, take a look at Front Range Organics herbal remedies.


Dear Anxiety,

I met a new friend who said they, unfortunately, knew you. We talked about all the times you showed up uninvited to important moments in our lives. I promise we resented you for it. Unlike you, we didn’t want to focus on the negatives. It felt good to hear something other than, “you’re not good enough” for once in my life. I’ll admit, you make it really hard to reach out. I didn’t think there was any place for support in my life when you tell me otherwise. I’ve been told to buy weed online alberta way as it will really help me to take back control, but I know that the only way I can do this thoroughly is by tackling you head on.

Sometimes I can’t help but listen….

I think what’s most important for me to remember is that no matter what you say, support makes me happy. The best part about support is that they’ve seemed to have traveled everywhere. So many people know all the great things about support and would love to share that together.

You don’t do that, all you do is make me feel alone.


Dear Anxiety,

I want you to know I decided to make a goal for myself. Realistically, I know I can never actually get rid of you. There’s no way possible that I know of. So I’m better off just to mediate the conversation between you and self-confidence because I am certain you two will clash. Self-confidence usually likes to hang out with support. You tend to keep to yourself at that point and I wholeheartedly enjoy that. Self-confidence can be pretty fragile but I know they just need some reassurance every now and again from all the people who know support.

I know you don’t like support and self-confidence because that means there’s less room for you. We’re in agreement, we already have a lot going on but you can’t be my main focus you anymore, anxiety. I have goals and dreams I want to accomplish and I don’t want you to stop me from doing it.

Anxiety, thanks for pushing me to work harder so I could compensate for your incessant nagging. You’re an awful motivator but you get the job done. I’m excited to see what kind of opportunities I’m going to make the most of with my new friends. I hope you’re nowhere to be seen when that happens. Now please let me sleep, I have a long day tomorrow.

Jake img_5383

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