The Three D’s of Creating Team Alignment

I was coaching a business owner about how frustrated he was with his team. He said that in a recent meeting, the team had a conversation around a new project to work on. At the end of the meeting there was a vote and everyone unanimously agreed to make the new project happen. But then […]

Extroverts vs. Introverts: Who’s The Better Leader?

At the beginning of time, there were introverted dinosaurs and there were extroverted dinosaurs…. Maybe it isn’t that dramatic, but this certainly has been a real topic of conversation that people can go back and forth on. Who would you rather lead your organization or department? An introvert or an extrovert? THE MYTH Let’s get […]

What Does Respect Look Like in a Healthy Community?

Instead of writing this blog post, I had an accidental extended conversation about politics and other heavy topics with the people in my office. A year ago, I probably would not have engaged this much in this conversation. I tend to have a very different opinion on most things than the surrounding community. It’s always […]

Engagement Inbreeding

A couple of months ago, a debate erupted over the possible elitist nature of the popular online student affairs community, #SAchat. The discussion lasted for several days, before trailing off. But the idea of elitism stayed with me for a while afterwards because back in college, my student activities group was also accused of a […]

Education Reform: The Polarizing Debate

The rebel valedictorian graduation speech generated 500 comments and over 160K views. Some people wrote one liners while others wrote dissertations that are bookmarked for a rainy day. What became distinctly clear was how polarizing the comments were. People either applauded Erica for her courage to stand up to a broken system… While others took […]

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