Identifying Trending Leaders and Laying Tracks for Motivated Trains

trending leaders

While walking around Central Park in NYC, I watched a little league softball game on the field next to me. Surrounding the field was a collection of parents multitasking between the game, their phones, and watching their younger kids. One parent in particular was having a hard time keeping her little one under control. Her […]

After You Make An Introduction, Get Out Of The Way

This post is a continuation of our last post about creating affinity groups through shared interest introductions. Tom talked about how he connected two strangers at an event because they were both wearing Batman shirts for International Batman Day. Read the post here if you need a refresher! After I made the Batman introduction happen, […]

Fun Is The Easiest Way To Change Someone’s Behavior

A group of psychologists seated themselves between a staircase and an escalator in a U.S. shopping mall to run a study. They set out to answer two questions: What percentage of people choose stairs over an escalator when given the choice between the two? How would behavior change if people were made aware of the […]

When Recruiting… Make Sure To Show Not Tell

During a recent visit to Pittsburgh, I set aside some time to visit with a former intern of ours studying at Carnegie Mellon University. As we walked through their beautiful University Center, I noticed a large number of campus clubs with tables set up trying to solicit students to join their organization. Every table was […]

Dance Floor Theory™ in Movies: “Pitch Perfect”

After seeing Swift Kick’s Dance Floor Theory leadership training on building a strong culture of engagement, I started seeing examples of DFT tips everywhere, especially in movies. One film that has some great examples of getting others involved is “Pitch Perfect.” In this movie, Beca, a college freshman, is totally uninterested in finding any sort […]

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