The Four Big Myths of Dance Floor Theory

Dance Floor Theory is an engagement system that can be used by any team or organization to better engage their employees or members. We use dance floors as a visual representation of engagement within an organization. In the middle of the dance are the most engaged dancers. We call them 5s. The least engaged dancers […]

When Employee Engagement Goes Too Far – Scary Sixes

Robyn works at a large cosmetics company where meetings happen every day, all day. Others on the team describe her as loud, excited, and never-ending. In meetings, there is often no reason for Robyn to answer questions, but she does anyway. Many times, the questions aren’t related to her job, and she doesn’t even have […]

An Introvert’s Guide to Being an Active Community Member

I’m an introvert, and I definitely don’t hide it. Anyone around me regularly knows I need time to decompress after a long day in order to feel like a human again. In addition to being so introverted, though, I am also extremely involved on my college campus. I hold two executive board positions in different clubs, […]

Are You Actually a Community? – Team Awesome #50Meetups

The name of the Meetup alone, Team Awesome, got me excited about the potential of meeting some really cool people. With 67 people RSVPed, I was ready to mix and mingle with NYC’s most awesome. The location of the Meetup, Barcade, was just the icing on the cake. When I arrived at Barcade, the place […]

The Value of a Community Door Greeter #50Meetups

The whole point of a community is to have a shared affinity around a passion or topic. I knew I was going to like the Meetup F*ckup Nights NYC** because the topic of failed entrepreneurial moments is right up my alley. The Meetup took place at the top floor of a co-working space in Brooklyn. After I […]

Extroverts vs. Introverts: Who’s The Better Leader?

At the beginning of time, there were introverted dinosaurs and there were extroverted dinosaurs…. Maybe it isn’t that dramatic, but this certainly has been a real topic of conversation that people can go back and forth on. Who would you rather lead your organization or department? An introvert or an extrovert? THE MYTH Let’s get […]

How to Make the Least Engaged Student a Hero

Crossing your lovely campus, you run into a student so introverted that your extrovert mind says “Why does he even come to our club meetings when he seems so…uninterested…” But you push this [biased] thought aside, put on your best smile and say “Hey, Dan! What’s up?” After a brief mumbled response from him, you mention […]

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