Yesterday in #StudentAffairs (08/07/11)

Blogs: Facebook friending your students in Missouri is about to be illegal. (via Brian LeDuc) What would you put on a Residential Dream Sheet? Here’s John Gardner’s list. (via Brain Root) Facebook, StumbleUpon, then Twitter. StatCounter ranks the top social media sites in the UK for last month. (via Brain Gallager) Who do you think […]

Yesterday in Student Affairs [08/01/11]

Yesterday in #StudentAffairs

Blogs: Can’t pay your student loans? How about using a Sugar Daddy to help? (via Cleda Wang) Conferences not for you? Here’s a recap of last weekend’s inaugural Student Affairs Technology Unconference. (via Ed Cabellon) How well do you introduce yourself when people ask? Maybe it’s time we polish up on our Five Minute Professional Portrait. (via The SA Blog) Move Over Helicopter Parents. “iParents” are […]

A Win For Student Generated Content

Fred Wilson, of A VC, reported on a ruling out of NYC between YouTube and Viacom. Judge Louis Stanton of the Southern District Court in NYC issued his opinion in the long standing legal battle between YouTube and Viacom. This decision means that other user generated content services will not have to make the choice […]

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