Throw Away Your To-Do List: Using Core Values to Navigate the Unexpected

Melissa’s TEDx talk was on Saturday. It was Thursday. We were discussing back and forth over whether the word “love” was the appropriate word for her closing line. We were on the verge of a nervous giggle fit, as the English language got less and less concrete in our minds. I was supposed to be […]

How Cedar Crest College RAs Raise The Tide

As an intern with Swift Kick, I learned about the Core Values and their importance in every-day life. During staff meetings with my RAs here at Cedar Crest, I realize how each member of our team has used these Core Values without even knowing what they are. Recently, they were planning out their Building Wide. […]

Resources for 8 Top Interview Tips and Best Practices

It is that time of the year! As a student leader, you have all the skills you need to secure a great position. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy to rock an interview. Personally, I always get nervous when it comes time for interviews. I always worry about what I’ll be asked in the interview, […]

Why Core Values are Important

Here at Swift Kick, we follow 5 main Core Values. These values are brought up each week at various times. I even find myself using them outside of work! It is nice to have Core Values within your organizations to follow because you can keep each other accountable. The 5 Core Values that Swift Kick […]

Finding The Good, Even On a Bad Day

Yesterday I had a really bad day, from my car’s battery dying to getting the worst headache I have ever had. It was an extremely bad day. However, thanks to a few individuals that demonstrated the core values of Swift Kick, I was saved from my miserable day. My friend Ann came to my rescue by […]

Introverts: Understanding the Biggest Mystery for an Extroverted Student Leader

As an extrovert, it’s been hard for me to understand an introvert’s perspective my entire life… until recently. I always thought, “Why are you so quiet? Stop being a party pooper! If you like spending time with yourself more than with me or others people… you’re just strange!” However, since I’ve made friends with several […]

Creating the Perfect Storm on Your Team

It is that point in the semester where campus organizations and clubs have met at least once. Everyone has had their first meeting where everyone gets to know each other, see the plans for this semester, and define the role each team member will play. According to Tuckman’s Team-Development Model, we have just passed the “Forming” […]

Trader Joes Gave Me A Free Sample And A Life Lesson

Trader Joes

Like a Pavlovian dog, any time I enter into Trader Joe’s, I make my way to the free sample counter to see what delicacy they are handing out to the masses. Today was no different, and the savory treat I devoured was a melted cheese pretzel. After washing the pretzel down with another sample of […]

Raising the Tide on Silent Waters

Raising the Tide on Silent Waters

I’m a guy who loves really great quotes. This past year, I came across one that really spoke to me. It is a Gaelic Proverb that says, “Waves will rise on silent waters.” I interpret it to mean that great things happen where you least expect them, too. There is always an opportunity for someone […]

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