College Student Loan Rates Debate Divides Democrats in the Senate

College Student Loan Rates Debate Divides Democrats in the Senate

Some Democrats in the Senate either voted against or voted to filibuster the bill that would reverse the rise in student loan interest rates. It was surprising to happen upon this article today, because usually one expects the Democrats to protect students from raising loan interest rates. Turns out that Democrats are showing disagreement in […]

Yesterday in #StudentAffairs (08/02/11)

Yesterday in #StudentAffairs

  Blogs: “I somehow just became a mother” & 6 other truths about being an RA. (via Zach Stafford) Fake IDs – The latest thing ‘Made in China.’ (via Joe Earley) 10 signs you’re being lazy on LinkedIn. (via Cory Phare) Like data? Look inside the unsettling numbers of the rapidly growing student loan industry. (via Jeff […]

Yesterday in Student Affairs [08/01/11]

Yesterday in #StudentAffairs

Blogs: Can’t pay your student loans? How about using a Sugar Daddy to help? (via Cleda Wang) Conferences not for you? Here’s a recap of last weekend’s inaugural Student Affairs Technology Unconference. (via Ed Cabellon) How well do you introduce yourself when people ask? Maybe it’s time we polish up on our Five Minute Professional Portrait. (via The SA Blog) Move Over Helicopter Parents. “iParents” are […]

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