3 Simple Ways to Turn Your Social Media into a Community

Social Media

We live in an online world, there’s no escaping it. I mean, one designer even created phone backgrounds for herself to remind her there’s a world past her relatively tiny screen. So we can’t talk about building community without acknowledging that social media plays a big role.  Now, we all know about the issues around […]

Exciting Announcement: #SLchat and the Student Leader Collective

Calling all student leaders: Wouldn’t it be great if inspired students just like you got together every week to help each other be more awesome and swap ideas? Well stop wishing, it is here! Starting on October 22nd,  @SLCollective is hosting their first ever #SLchat! Every Tuesday at 7pm EST, student leaders will search the […]

How Not To Promote Your Campus Event on Twitter [IMAGE]

I, along with 100s of other people, received a Tweet from the above Twitter account letting me know about an upcoming event happening at KSU. Here’s what’s wrong with it and why you shouldn’t do your marketing like this… Irrelevant – I don’t go to KSU. I’m nowhere near KSU. I don’t know anyone at […]

Am I Hirable in #StudentAffairs?

Am I Hirable

The #SAchat conversation from yesterday was on credentials in Student Affairs. It was sparked, in part, by an initiative by ACPA to create a Student Affairs Credential Program. Within the first couple of questions it was clear that the relationships between credentials, competencies, qualifications, achievements, experiences, and degrees were confusing. Q1: How are we defining […]

New Student Orientation: Dependence vs Independence

Luggage Porter by ColbyBluth The day before Hurricane Irene made landfall along the Eastern Seaboard, a friend asked my wife and I to help volunteer setting up an evacuation center in NYC. While helping out, I was trying to be as nice as possible to the people coming in seeking shelter. I’d stop my work […]

Engagement Inbreeding

A couple of months ago, a debate erupted over the possible elitist nature of the popular online student affairs community, #SAchat. The discussion lasted for several days, before trailing off. But the idea of elitism stayed with me for a while afterwards because back in college, my student activities group was also accused of a […]

Yesterday in #StudentAffairs (08/07/11)

Blogs: Facebook friending your students in Missouri is about to be illegal. (via Brian LeDuc) What would you put on a Residential Dream Sheet? Here’s John Gardner’s list. (via Brain Root) Facebook, StumbleUpon, then Twitter. StatCounter ranks the top social media sites in the UK for last month. (via Brain Gallager) Who do you think […]

Why You Should Use Your Real Name Online

Why You Should Use Your Real Name Online

Over the past week we experimented with a new series called “Yesterday in #StudentAffairs” as a way to capture, and re-purpose, the amazing amount of knowledge that flows through #SAchat every day. We originally used a person’s Twitter username to give them credit, which worked fine when their real name and Twitter username were basically […]

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