Breakout SESSIONs

For Corporate


Dance Floor Theory™️; Creating, Engaging, and Retaining A-Players


Just like on a dance floor, every team and organization experiences varying levels of employee engagement between those fully involved and those lurking on the edge. The same tactics to create successful social change on a dance floor – connections, relevancy, models of success, and motivation – also work to increase employee engagement within any organization and team. DFT provides leaders a new model for creating community, increasing employee engagement, and fostering a culture of retention.


Who’s Really on Your Team? Stronger Teams Through Personality Profiling


To change the world, we have to first understand ourselves, and to understand ourselves, it starts with the knowledge of who we are and why we do what we do. In this session, we’ll dig into the “People Style” personality assessment profile to gain a deeper understand of what makes you, and those around you, tick. Then, we’ll take it a step further and match your personality profile to your leadership abilities so you can make the largest positive impact on the world through effectively leading others.


The Power of Goal Setting to Break Through Barriers


You have everything you need inside yourself to be and do anything you want. Yet, most don’t and won’t. In this session, we’ll unlock the Success Giant within you by setting your goal, making a plan towards your goal, and taking one massive breakthrough towards your goal! By the end you will have broken through both mental and physical barriers in the form of wood or an arrow break. Are you ready? Let’s do this!


Running Effective Meetings


A well run meeting is like a perfectly orchestrated line dance where individuals can add their own flair, but everyone is moving forward in the same direction without any wasted time. As the group leader, your challenge is to have the right outline and skills to create the perfect meeting. In this session, you’ll walk away with actionable tools to instantly start running effective daily, weekly, monthly, and even quarterly meetings with your group.


How To Manage Your State While Walking on Fire


Feeling overwhelmed? Stress can have a massive impact on your overall health and daily functioning. It’s not about how much stress you carry with you, but rather how you manage your stress. Your ability to manage your state at any given moment is a powerful skill to develop. In this session we’ll dig into what exactly is “your state” and the secrets to being able to manage your state at any moment to achieve your ideal outcome in any situation.


How To Communicate With Crappy People


Ever interacted with someone who seems to make every situation toxic and impossible. Pointing out that these people are difficult and demanding won’t get you anywhere, though odds are, they don’t even see a problem. Whether the issue is caused by a personality disorder or some other underlying issue, in this session, you’ll learn how to navigate these interactions with impossible people and preserve your own sanity.


Surviving the Dreaded Corporate Burnout Factor


There comes a moment in every professional’s career when it’s 1am and three projects are still lingering unfinished and you know you have to be back at work the next morning. How can you keep going? Those who figure out how to survive the dreaded burnout factor go on to amazing and successful careers. In this session, we’ll outline the key to helping you better manage the high level of pressure within your career and ultimately remain happy, healthy, and balanced as you soar to new professional heights.


Change Management: But We’ve Always Done it This Way


Change is inevitable and the teams and organization who are able to not only adapt to change, but also thrive in the change, are the ones who excel while others flounder. The phrase, “but we’ve always done it this way” can kill the growth and success of a team and organization. Discover the steps of the change management process and get your whole team excited about what’s coming next.

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