For Schools


Recruiting & Retaining Group Members & Officers


Student Leaders


After the music fades and the hard work sets in, it might feel like you are the only one left doing all the work. Every year a massive number of students join student groups only to disappear a few months later. Why does this happen and how can you prevent it in your group? In this session, we’ll break down the hidden secrets to recruiting & retaining group members & officers so that the party keeps going on long after you’ve left the dance floor.

Learning Outcomes:

Participants will…

  1. Know how to engage new members at events.
  2. Learn how to manage their state of being.
  3. Identify and cultivate trending leaders within a team.

Program Slides



Student Leaders
Student Affairs Professionals


A well run meeting is like a perfectly orchestrated line dance where individuals can add their own flair, but everyone is moving forward in the same direction. As the group leader, your challenge is to have the right outline and skills to create the perfect meeting. In this session, you’ll walk away with actionable tools to instantly start running effective daily, weekly, monthly, and even quarterly meetings with your group.

Learning Outcomes:

Participants will…

  1. Know how to formulate an agenda for an effective team meeting.
  2. Practice strategies for effective meeting facilitation.
  3. Learn tools to help manage post-meeting follow-through.


Who’s Really on Your Team? Better Leadership Through Personality Profiling


Student Leaders
Student Affairs Professionals


To change the world, we have to first understand ourselves, and to understand ourselves, it starts with the knowledge of who we are and why we do what we do. In this session, we’ll dig into the “People Style” personality assessment profile to gain a deeper understand of what makes you, and those around you, tick. Then, we’ll take it a step further and match your personality profile to your leadership abilities so you can make the largest positive impact on the world through effectively leading others.

Learning Outcomes:

Participants will…

  1. Be aware of the advantages/disadvantages of personality profiling.
  2. Assess your own personal leadership style.
  3. Match your style against others around you.
  4. Learn how to better relate to leadership styles unlike your own.

Program Slides


The Power of Goal Setting to Breaking Through Barriers


Student Leaders or Student Affairs Professionals


You have everything you need inside yourself to be and do anything you want. Yet, most don’t and won’t. In this session, we’ll unlock the Success Giant within you by setting your goal, making a plan towards your goal, and taking one massive breakthrough towards your goal! Are you ready? Let’s do this!

Learning Outcomes:

Participants will…

  1. Discover the reasons most fail at goal setting.
  2. Learn how to trick yourself to setting and achieving a goal.
  3. Create an action plan for your goal.
  4. Break through a barrier (literally) to achieve your goal!


5 Tricks To Unlocking You & Your Team’s Creative Genius


Student Leaders


Creativity is a muscle that needs development just like any other muscle in your body. Once you know the best exercises to flex your creative muscle, you’ll be generating genius ideas on a regular basis. If you keep hearing the same ideas over and over again, come to this session and discover five tricks to unlocking you and your team’s creative genius!

Learning Outcomes:

Participants will…

  1. Understand what actually is creativity.
  2. Learn how to trick yourself and others into being creative.
  3. Learn five activities to unlock creativity within yourself and others.
  4. Discover a way to integrate creativity building into your daily and weekly meetings.
  5. Become a brainstorming machine!

Program Slides


How To Communicate With Crappy People


Student Leaders
Student Affairs Professionals


Ever interacted with someone who seems to make every situation toxic and impossible. Pointing out that these people are difficult and demanding won’t get you anywhere, though odds are, they don’t even see a problem. Whether the issue is caused by a personality disorder or some other underlying issue, in this session, you’ll learn how to navigate these interactions with impossible people and preserve your own sanity.

Learning Outcomes:

Participants will…

  1. Understand what causes conflict in the first place.
  2. Discover a tool to reduce stress in negative situations.
  3. Learn how to manage your own state.
  4. Discover a tool to respond when you are in the wrong.
  5. Become a master of managing you and your team.

Program Slides


Passing The Torch – Effective Club Officer Transition


Student Leaders


The yearly revolving door of club leadership requires a strategic process to make sure the wheel isn’t reinvented every year. In this session, we balance the celebration of outgoing offices while also ramping up, and passing on, the institutional club knowledge to new officers. Don’t let every year be a constant drain on your limited resources by seeing the same mistakes happen over and over. We’ll help you pass the torch effectively so no one gets burned.

Learning Outcomes:

Participants will…

  1. Passing the torch celebration of outgoing officers.
  2. Process to exchange institutional club knowledge between outgoing and incoming officers.
  3. Incoming officers begin to build out their high level strategic goals for their club/org.


How To Manage Your State While Balancing Work, School, Life, and Being a Student Leader


Student Leaders


Feeling overwhelmed? Stress can have a massive impact on your overall health and daily functioning. It’s not about how much stress you carry with you, but rather how you manage your stress. Your ability to manage your state at any given moment is a powerful skill to develop. In this session we’ll dig into what exactly is “your state” and the secrets to being able to manage your state at any moment to achieve your ideal outcome in any situation.

Learning Outcomes:

Participants will…

  1. Understand the importance of state management.
  2. Learn and practice the three parts of your state.
  3. Discover tools to apply state management to daily life.

Program Slides


Setting the Stage for the Perfect Event


Student Leaders
Student Affairs Professionals


The setup and design of a room can have as much of an impact on the success of a program event as the actual artist on stage. In this session we’ll break down the most important aspect of event setup to maximize the probability of success.

Learning Outcomes:

Participants will…

  1. Learn how to effectively engage new members.
  2. Integrate music volume changes and learn optimal room set-up for interaction and socialization.
  3. Discover and apply the meaning of “Everything Speaks”.

Program Slides


The Art Of Cat Herding…How To Be A Great Org Advisor


Student Affairs Professionals


So much effort and energy is put towards helping our student leaders be more amazing at their positions, but what about the club/org advisors? In this session, we’ll dig into an ACUI study conducted on ways in which club/org advisors can be more effective in their role in achieving cat herding hero status!

Learning Outcomes:

Participants will…

  1. Review an ACUI study on org advising.
  2. Know the main elements of successful org advising.
  3. Implement actions for successful org advising.

Program Slides


Surviving the Dreaded Student Affairs Burnout Factor


Student Affairs Professionals


There comes a moment in every Student Affairs professional’s career when it’s 1am and three students are still in the office and you know you have to be back at school the next morning. How can you keep going? Those who figure out how to survive the dreaded Student Affairs burnout factor go on to amazing and successful careers in higher education. In this session, we’ll outline the key to helping you better manage the high level of pressure within Student Affairs and ultimately remain happy as you soar to new professional heights.

Learning Outcomes:

Participants will…

  1. Build a strong foundation and purpose for your job .
  2. Turning stress into motivation.
  3. Linking current research to the value of co-curricular activities.

Program Slides

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