Raising the Tide on Silent Waters
I’m a guy who loves really great quotes. This past year, I came across one that really spoke to me. It is a Gaelic Proverb that says, “Waves will rise on silent waters.” I interpret it to mean that great things happen where you least expect them, too. There is always an opportunity for someone […]
“We Care” – The Tell Me About Your Day Bracelets
At MIT, the community on campus has grieved four students lost to suicide in the past year. In the days after these tragedies, freshman Isabel “Izzy” Lloyd saw a rise in social media posts from her peers telling their networks that anyone can come talk to them if they feel depressed or need help. She […]
Tutus and Student Government – A Student Leader Spotlight
We are always meeting student leaders who are going the extra mile to make others feel welcome and build community culture on their campuses. We realized that one great way to learn from each other is to spotlight different students who have made an impact on the lives of their fellow students. Meet Amairani Ayala, a student at […]
The Value of Campus Traditions and Student Engagement
On a foggy Thursday morning, Ricky K. of Casswell Drive stumbles out his front door with a coffee in one hand and a tiki torch in the other. Slowly, Ricky shuffles his feet towards the curb, soaking in the morning dew. Once at the curb, Ricky takes a deep breath in, while lifting his tiki […]
Creating a Welcoming Culture – The Orientation Moment I Won’t Forget
Hey SK family! Sabina here, and today I am reminiscing on my Orientation at Fordham University. I was a big-eyed, unsure but excited freshman. Ready for my new adventure at my dream school, but aware of my inexperience, I remember walking into an alcohol ed session one evening of orientation. I entered the big room […]
Including Commuters in Your Campus Community
It’s not easy to build amazing communities in your res halls and within your organizations. But it’s even harder to include students who don’t have a “home” on campus. As a commuting student in college, I understand how difficult it can be to feel a part of the campus community if you don’t work hard […]
Are You Part of Your Family’s Community?
If you think about it, the first community you’re ever part of is your family. But we often take for granted the awesome people we are surrounded by from the beginning because, well, they’ve been there forever. When you think about your campus community, you might think of: Helping each other out Support system in […]
Making Shared Connections For #TBT
So I sit here, unabashedly listening to the Jonas Brothers album from 2007. You know, the one, with Year 3000 on it? Yeah, you know it. (For Tom’s sake, I will let you know that this is Sabina, community manager, writing. Do you even JoBro, Tom?) I promise I have a point here. One […]
Why Community? Good Will
In today’s installment of my officially un-official “Why Community” series, I want to talk about why communities bring out the best in us. We can talk about how communities help serve us, but how do we serve our communities? And are we becoming better, more loving people? I think that putting yourself into a community […]
Why Community? Vacation Without Going Anywhere
Last week, I talked about one huge benefit of communities is the brainstorming ability. But there’s a thousand and one reasons communities are great, so let’s explore another. Communities give you those mini vacations you need to get through stress, work, and life. Take a moment and imagine your college career without the social aspect. […]