Laddering Student Engagement

In Swift Kick’s Dance Floor Theory leadership training, we teach students to recognize and be aware of the gradient of engagement on their campus. We teach them to understand the system and its parts so they can improve it. The simple comparison is a dance floor, where level 5 dancers are often in the middle […]
Leading Minds Say Blogging is the Single Most Important Thing

I wrote a few days ago** that blogs were better for the student and cheaper for .edu. Seth Godin and Tom Peters pretty much tops in their respective fields, state the case as strongly as possible. I wish I could embed the video, but you’ll have to click through to watch. Please do, it’s two […]
Orientation Before Orientation: The New Work of First Year Social Network Development

We exist in overlapping, intertwined social networks: family, friends, neighbors, church groups, hobby acquaintances, Christmas card friends, etc., etc. It’s an old human thing, we’ve always been that way. We get emotional well-being from close family and friends. We get growth from topic groups. We need well-being first, then growth, it’s Maslow’s hierarchy. When a […]
Blogs as E-portfolios: Better for the Students, Cheaper for the .edu

Please don’t pay for e-portfolio software. Instead, help or encourage the students to set up their own blogs. Let me quickly explain. The original idea of an e-portfolio** was to help students keep a record of the work they did. This was intended to help them learn and show progress (the faculty and institution value) […]
The Value of a College Degree in the Networked World

Working in San Francisco with the Red Rover programming team, so this will be quick. mycreditunion kristian welch consume Schools used to base their value on ownership of the books and the information. Now many are sharing what they know for free. As a group, schools are beginning to value sharing over hoarding. The old […]
Podcast on Technology and the Future of Higher Education

In a podcast with Paul Miller of Project Xiphos, Kevin talked about technology and the future of higher education. The podcast runs 38 minutes, but if your time is short, here are some key quotes from Kevin I pulled while listening. – Education needs technology to stay relevant – Apathy is oil in the ground […]
What A Lovely Walled Garden It Is

To write this post, I’m currently “hacked” into the wifi system of a small community college on the east coast. For fear of my safety and those involved, I’ve hidden the identity of individuals in the story below. My mission started out simple enough; spend 1 hour online to check my email and catch up […]
The New Quick Filter: Feature Review

We’ve launched a new feature to make the Red Rover directory even more useful! One point of clarification – every school has its own network, so when I’m showing users who are matched, that means I am matching with everyone at the school. If I want to filter by the small groups of Major, Year, […]
Filling the Gumption Tank With Some Help From Friends

Had a great day today. A few quick thoughts: VIDEO FILE NO LONGER AVAILABLE Vid Blog 9/20/2008 from Kevin Prentiss on Vimeo. I feel like McCain’s team: what I meant by “scalability” was: we are trying to hone our app and message to grow faster. I said “Garvee”, but meant @garyvee : )
Rediscovering the Passion of Education

Watching a great TED talk is like drinking hot mint tea on a crisp morning from a balcony overlooking crystal clear ocean water with dolphins swimming by as the sun rises. Get the idea 🙂 This morning I watched Benjamin Zander talk about his two infectious passions: classical music, and helping others realize their untapped […]