Into the Rabbit Hole

I rarely indulge in the rich heady stuff these days. Too much work to do. Accidentally, you know how it goes, I followed a link from Fred Stutzman’s blog and found this gem, perfectly on the topic of my last post (just 3 miles deeper.) If I can summarize briefly, in my language, Positivists were […]

(K)no(w) Context

Being a critic is easy. Breaking things is easy. Suggesting practical improvements to complex challenges is hard. Building things is hard. A good reminder from the Carpet Bagger Report**: * Public education in America is trying to do something unprecedented. We strive to educate every child — regardless of race, creed, socio-economic level, family background […]

Inmates and Asylums

Inmates and Asylums

From Flickr: Then one day, the students decided they had nothing to learn from adults and took matters into their own hands. The students were wrong about the adults of course, but the mistake was understandable. In the end, however, the students learned this on their own.

A Lovely Nexus

This is an exciting place to be: Research Links: Learning Reconsidered** Data Don’t Drive** Thanks to Dave Leenhouts, for pointing us in the right direction. We actually did the reading Dave : ) ** Link Broken as of June/2019

The Aim of Education

The Aim of Education

Peter Scholtes**’ diagram shows what we are facing right now as humans interacting with technology. So for those of us that are older, we may see this diagram within the context of our lives, our personal history. For those of us that are younger, this diagram is not about history but just about the fact […]

Collaborative Learning School 2.0

Darren Kuropatawa of A Difference is a perfect example of what School 2.0 will look like. Or at least it’s a start. As part of his math curriculum, he and his students blog about the current class math lesson. Because blogs are generally open for anyone to see, his class took a turn when a […]

The Developing Business Model

We didn’t start this company to become speakers.  The vision of the company is much bigger: “A world in which individuals find their own potential while helping others explore theirs.”  (We’ll smooth that sentence one day, but the idea still gets across : ) We see education as facilitation of potential.  We aim to make […]

Ken Robinson: School Kills Creativity [VIDEO]

Ken Robinson

Sir Ken Robinson is an influential advocate for the importance of creativity in education. He makes an entertaining (and profoundly moving) case for overhauling our education system. [Recorded February, 2006 in Monterey, CA]

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