Urban Planning and Facebook

Jane Jacobs wrote a wonderful book about urban planning titled The Death and Life of Great American Cities. In the book, she explains how cities were ruined by poor urban planning and offer suggestions on ways to improve the development. One suggestion is to design streets and neighborhoods to allow for more eyes on the […]
Give up Facebook for Lent

Normally people give up meat, sugar, TV, or even sex for Lent. But this year another addiction is the focus. WIth 93% of students on Myspace and Facebook and 63% logging in every day, it is no wonder many are thinking about giving up Facebook for Lent. Maura Toomb of Loyal College** was the first […]
School Reactions to Myspace and Facebook

A closer look at how schools are reacting to Myspace and Facebook. The best place to start when deciding what type of policy your school should enact regarding Myspace and Facebook is to first see what other schools are doing. Then decide what is best for your school. When looking at over this list. Keep […]
Is Facebook Killing Email?

There’s been talk for awhile now about college students not checking e-mail, instead preferring new technology like text messaging and Facebook. Schools, in an understandably institutional response often now “require”** students to check their email, making the process exciting to the students by calling it “official”. I really do have sympathy for the institutions, especially […]
The Blogger / Feedburner Move [How To]

I did an ed session at NACA and APCA about cool marketing uses of Facebook/Myspace. A number of people wanted to know how to do photo streaming into profiles. Here’s the quick version (sorry to be brief, I’m at NACA again and it’s always a little crazy). Set up an Activities board blog on www.blogger.com […]
Post Phone Pics into Facebook [How To]

The Goal: Get pictures of involvement, events, and activities out into the campus social scene to increase the perception and eventually the reality of turnout. Make it look fun. The Tactic: Get students to upload pictures from activities / events into their facebook pages so that people in their network can view them. How to: […]