[QUIZ] What 2015 Meme Represents Your Leadership Style
As we wrap up an amazing year, we couldn’t help but reflect on the different leadership styles, but with a fun twist! The internet enjoyed a great variety of ridiculous memes in 2015, so we thought it might be amusing to characterize different approaches to leadership in terms of a couple of the big meme hits. Enjoy! […]
The 5s on the Dance Floor of My LIFE (aka My Supporters)
It’s important to reflect and be thankful for those who’ve been there for you as a campus leader. Who are the people in your life that raise you to greater success? Who has been there for you through the best and worst times this semester? As you finish studying for your last final exam of the Fall semester, […]
Introverts: Understanding the Biggest Mystery for an Extroverted Student Leader
As an extrovert, it’s been hard for me to understand an introvert’s perspective my entire life… until recently. I always thought, “Why are you so quiet? Stop being a party pooper! If you like spending time with yourself more than with me or others people… you’re just strange!” However, since I’ve made friends with several […]
4 Ways to Make Everyone Feel Incredibly Important
Take a moment to remember the last time you did something for someone and their happiness and gratitude made you shine brighter than any gift you’ve ever been given. That amazing feeling leaves a mark, doesn’t it? The connection between your soul and that person’s takes on a permanent hold. We all know the saying, “Live […]
The Importance of Orientation Leaders for Nervous New Students
There was a student at the orientation I was working that came off as pretty shy and quiet. It wasn’t that he was uninterested because he kept looking over at a group of the orientation leaders, but he didn’t quite have the courage to approach us. It was easiest for me to approach the student and […]
The Best Connections Are Unexpected – A Student Leader Spotlight
We are always meeting student leaders who are going the extra mile to make others feel welcome and build community culture on their campuses. We realized that one great way to learn from each other is to spotlight different students who have made an impact on the lives of their fellow students. Meet Kaylee Gutschow, a […]
Creating the Perfect Storm on Your Team
It is that point in the semester where campus organizations and clubs have met at least once. Everyone has had their first meeting where everyone gets to know each other, see the plans for this semester, and define the role each team member will play. According to Tuckman’s Team-Development Model, we have just passed the “Forming” […]
Open Your Heart: 3 Ways to Use Life Defining Moments to Strengthen Your Team
Today marks another year in the books for QUEST, a first year summer leadership experience at my university. Each year I’ve served as a peer mentor during QUEST, helping the freshmen in our program to adjust well to campus, become engaged leaders, and develop personal goals for the year. Each year, the peer mentors and […]
Small Talk, Big Impact for New Students
Over the weekend, I spent time with my boyfriend’s brothers and close friends at a BBQ. I always have a great time hanging out with this group, though I don’t know a lot of the people too closely yet. I am still, to many of them, a new addition to the group. Luckily for me, […]
Student Leadership Lessons from the Restaurant
As the summer draws to an end (woah, that was quick), I have finished my fourth year of bar tending down the beach. After my last night at work, my coworkers and I decided to celebrate another summer by going out after our shift ended. It was a really great night where everyone shared his […]