New Student Orientation: Dependence vs Independence
Luggage Porter by ColbyBluth The day before Hurricane Irene made landfall along the Eastern Seaboard, a friend asked my wife and I to help volunteer setting up an evacuation center in NYC. While helping out, I was trying to be as nice as possible to the people coming in seeking shelter. I’d stop my work […]
Yesterday in #StudentAffairs (08/14/11)

—> 5 Notable Blogs <— –> 5 Notable Comments <— —> 5 Notable Questions <— “@BostonUpdate: Facebook is changing the way incoming college freshmen choose their roomates:” #SAchat — Tricia Coogan (@TriciaCoogan) August 14, 2011 Letter to parents and freshman: #SAchat #highered — Debra Sanborn, PhD (@DebraSanborn) August 13, 2011 Interesting article on […]
Yesterday in #StudentAffairs (08/02/11)

Blogs: “I somehow just became a mother” & 6 other truths about being an RA. (via Zach Stafford) Fake IDs – The latest thing ‘Made in China.’ (via Joe Earley) 10 signs you’re being lazy on LinkedIn. (via Cory Phare) Like data? Look inside the unsettling numbers of the rapidly growing student loan industry. (via Jeff […]
The Red Rover Orientation Activity

Moving students from online connections to offline engagement is a goal of Red Rover. We want to help you find people who are excited about the same things as you within your community and then help you go do stuff around those interests. Facilitating connections around shared interests builds a sense of comfort which according […]
Starting Alumni Engagement Before Orientation
The deck below was created to frame the conversation around how Red Rover can support alumni departments with their goals. The slide show can also be viewed, downloaded, and embedded here.
At Student Orientation, Don’t Forget About Bridging Social Capital

The Bystander Effect is a well-known psychological study conducted by Bibb Latane and John Darley that grew out of the stabbing death of Kitty Genovese in 1964 while eyewitnesses looked on but did nothing to help. According to Wikipedia: …individuals are less likely to offer help in an emergency situation when other people are present. […]
Let’s Make Education Feel More Like Cocaine

Think of your college’s orientation process.
Ask a few students how they felt during the orientation days, when they went through them.
Then spend two minutes with this slide deck, with your orientation and intake process in mind.
Orientation Before Orientation: The New Work of First Year Social Network Development

We exist in overlapping, intertwined social networks: family, friends, neighbors, church groups, hobby acquaintances, Christmas card friends, etc., etc. It’s an old human thing, we’ve always been that way. We get emotional well-being from close family and friends. We get growth from topic groups. We need well-being first, then growth, it’s Maslow’s hierarchy. When a […]
RR Function: Self Tagging

Self tagging is really the heart of the Red Rover system. The process is misleadingly simple, in terms of the power and flexibility the function brings to education.