The Importance of Crucial Conversations

This past week, the leadership program at my university hosted a Crucial Conversations Round-table Discussion. It was led by one awesome peer of mine, Jeremy Mathis. Jeremy guided our discussion around the issues of cultural appropriation and caricature, particularly during the Halloween season. Kudos to Jeremy for displaying true campus leadership! He’s promoting Open Doors, Open Hearts moments […]
Stepping Outside of my Bubble and Returning the Favor – A Student Leader Spotlight

We are always meeting student leaders who are going the extra mile to make others feel welcome and build community culture on their campuses. We realized that one great way to learn from each other is to spotlight different students who have made an impact on the lives of their fellow students. Meet Chue Yang, a […]
Introducing our Newest Dance Floor Theory Master Facilitator to Swift Kick

After an exciting three-month search for our second Dance Floor Theory master facilitators, we finally have found someone! Please help us welcome Melissa Ruiz to the Swift Kick team! Melissa began her career in higher education in Conferences and Events, before transitioning into Residence Life and then Student Life and Academic Advising. She jokingly says […]
It’s Important To Be Heard – A Student Leader Spotlight

We are always meeting student leaders who are going the extra mile to make others feel welcome and build community culture on their campuses. We realized that one great way to learn from each other is to spotlight different students who have made an impact on the lives of their fellow students. Meet Nicolas Spencer, a […]
“We can go together”- A Student Leader Spotlight

We are always meeting student leaders who are going the extra mile to make others feel welcome and build community culture on their campuses. We realized that one great way to learn from each other is to spotlight different students who have made an impact on the lives of their fellow students. Meet Jordyn Joens, a […]
Turning Teams into “Families”

Who’s ever participated in an icebreaker that requires you to name off one fun fact about yourself? I know I have several times this semester in classes and during club meetings on campus (and it’s a great idea for building teams, like these other icebreakers). What do I usually say for my fun fact? Well, it’s either […]
Jabs and Right Hooks for Gaining and Retaining Student Engagement

Recently, I read a really awesome social marketing book called Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook* by Gary Vaynerchuck. He talks about the fact that on social media, you have to engage your brand’s fans with share-able, interesting content (jabs) before switching to the “sell” posts (right hooks). For example, a cat food company might share a […]
The Friends You Make In Your First Year are… Different

As I was running down the ramp to attempt to barely make a train at Grand Central, another woman was running beside me. The doors of the train closed before we reached them, and we both just stopped, disappointed. Suddenly the doors popped back open and we both went “OH!!” and started running again to […]
Small Talk, Big Impact for New Students

Over the weekend, I spent time with my boyfriend’s brothers and close friends at a BBQ. I always have a great time hanging out with this group, though I don’t know a lot of the people too closely yet. I am still, to many of them, a new addition to the group. Luckily for me, […]
Student Leadership Lessons from the Restaurant

As the summer draws to an end (woah, that was quick), I have finished my fourth year of bar tending down the beach. After my last night at work, my coworkers and I decided to celebrate another summer by going out after our shift ended. It was a really great night where everyone shared his […]