Facebook and The Adolescent Brain – The Emerging Employers’ Dilemma

How to Make Student Engagement Contagious

Two weeks ago, I asked my Facebook followers if they’d post differently knowing that 60% of employers search the web when considering potential employees. Several students came back with strongly worded annoyances about not wanting to change their online behavior: Then my adult friends chimed in: Though we were talking about online behavior, the difference […]

The Tech of Student Success: Comparing Facebook, Ning and Red Rover

Comparing Facebook, Ning and Red Rover

John Jay College of Criminal Justice was reviewing a number of different social tools, trying to figure out where they wanted to invest their time and money. They asked me to help clarify how they fit together. I did it with a little video and I thought it came out pretty well – if just […]

Tech Tip – Using Twitter as your Free Campus, Group Text Messaging Service

There are many group/campus text messaging companies that offer an array of services for a fee, but if you are just looking to communicate with a group via text, then Twitter might be your best free option. Mike Richwalsky over at HighEdWebTech demos how he uses Twitter as Allegheny College’s free text messaging service for […]

Embracing Hierarchy in Groups to Increase Engagement in Education

Embracing Hierarchy in Groups to Increase Engagement in Education

Two overlapping foundational concepts for this post: 1) Hierarchy Matters In his best lecture submission to “Big Ideas,” Mark Fournier opens by stating he will convince the audience that hierarchy formation in humans is natural, predictable, and consequential: “It is natural in that hierarchies will form wherever people congregate. It is predictable in that where […]

Let’s Make Education Feel More Like Cocaine

Let’s Make Education Feel More Like Cocaine

Think of your college’s orientation process.
Ask a few students how they felt during the orientation days, when they went through them.
Then spend two minutes with this slide deck, with your orientation and intake process in mind.

Andre Malan: What Education Will Look Like

What Education Will Look Like

One of my favorite quotes comes at 20:30: Andre tells the story of John Beasley Murray assigning a Wikipedia change as an assignment. He is criticized for outsourcing the grading to Wikipedia editors, but his students came to his defense: Easy Money Cash Advance “It was harder [for the students] to get those grades from […]

Leading Minds Say Blogging is the Single Most Important Thing

Leading Minds Say

I wrote a few days ago** that blogs were better for the student and cheaper for .edu. Seth Godin and Tom Peters pretty much tops in their respective fields, state the case as strongly as possible. I wish I could embed the video, but you’ll have to click through to watch. Please do, it’s two […]

Orientation Before Orientation: The New Work of First Year Social Network Development

We exist in overlapping, intertwined social networks: family, friends, neighbors, church groups, hobby acquaintances, Christmas card friends, etc., etc. It’s an old human thing, we’ve always been that way. We get emotional well-being from close family and friends. We get growth from topic groups. We need well-being first, then growth, it’s Maslow’s hierarchy. When a […]

Blogs as E-portfolios: Better for the Students, Cheaper for the .edu

Blogs as E-portfolios

Please don’t pay for e-portfolio software. Instead, help or encourage the students to set up their own blogs. Let me quickly explain. The original idea of an e-portfolio** was to help students keep a record of the work they did. This was intended to help them learn and show progress (the faculty and institution value) […]

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