4 Tips To Impress Your Community Members With Handwritten Notes

4 Tips To Impress Your Community Members With Handwritten Notes

Last week, the community manager of YEC sent me this letter (pictured below) via snail mail. The sad reality is that my first reaction was that it must be a computer generated note because the YEC has at least 1000 members and there’s no way one person would handwrite a note this long for every […]

The Ideal Ice Breakers for New Members

No, not that kind! [Image from Hersheys.com] Last night I was facilitating a meeting for a group of business owners who recently joined an entrepreneur’s organization here in NYC. Since they were all new members, we did several activities to connect them together and find common bonds because, as we say in Dance Floor Theory, […]

Turning Energy into Action at New Student Orientation Programs

Turning Energy into Action at New Student Orientation Programs

This past Thursday I was working with UMass – Boston  on their newly formed Investiture for first year students. It’s a tradition they are hoping to continue on for many years to come. I’m a huge fan of their efforts since it’s a great way to set the tone for the year as well as […]

Dance Floor Theory on Facebook

Dance Floor Theory on Facebook

In Dance Floor Theory™ we outline four steps it takes for a student leader to move a group from a “bad dance” to a “good dance.” They are… Introduce Yourself Introduce People To Each Other Make Small Relevant Groups Get Out Of The Way As more schools and student groups build an online presence for […]

Random Acts on Campus

Random Acts on Campus

Sometimes it’s the actions where we expect nothing in return that give the greatest value. Jennifer Foster of Florence, AZ was visiting Times Square with her husband on Nov. 14 when they saw a shoeless man asking for change. She writes, “Right when I was about to approach, one of your officers came up behind […]

I Got DFT’ed…And I Didn’t Like It.

I Got DFT’ed…And I Didn’t Like It.

Last week I was part of a panel discussion for TiE on the New York startup scene. I was invited to talk about my experience as both a TechStars Alumnus and founder of Red Rover and AlumniChoose. Before the event officially started, everyone was casually networking around the room. At one point, a lady popped […]

We’ve Moved…(Our Blog)

We’ve Moved our blog

In an effort to consolidate the powers of the universe under one roof (and so our heads don’t explode from trying to double post every time our creative juices are flowing) we moved our writing of new content over to the AlumniChoose Blog > blog.alumnichoose.org. Come join us, the water’s warm. – Tom & The […]

Give $10 Get $20 (& Be A Student Leader Champion)

AlumniChoose logo

One month ago, we opened the digital doors of AlumniChoose.org and instantly student leaders and advisors from across the country saw how valuable AC was for helping raise funds for their club/org projects and trips. From attending the ASGA National Conference to bringing fresh water to Peru to building homes in New Orleans, we currently […]

How Not To Promote Your Campus Event on Twitter [IMAGE]

I, along with 100s of other people, received a Tweet from the above Twitter account letting me know about an upcoming event happening at KSU. Here’s what’s wrong with it and why you shouldn’t do your marketing like this… Irrelevant – I don’t go to KSU. I’m nowhere near KSU. I don’t know anyone at […]

What Student Affairs Professionals Do [IMAGE]

The internet continues to provide an endless flow of memes that are easily translated to every profession. From “Sh*t Student Affairs Professionals Say” to the latest shown below… Hat Tip to Felecia George and Sandi Pope for sharing this one with us.