CoolTool: Join.Me – Super Simple Screen Sharing

CoolTool: Join.Me – Super Simple Screen Sharing

NAME: URL: WHAT IT DOES: Super simple, and free, screen sharing, screen controlling, and virtual conference tool. MY TAKE: I don’t like having a lot of software on my computer. Several online screen sharing tools, I get invited to, ask me to download something before I can use it.  While Join. Me does […]

Say Something Nice [BLENDER EVENT]

Say Something Nice

Improve Everywhere is known for creating scenes, which is probably why we love so much of what they create. In their latest scene, they strapped a megaphone to a podium and placed it in the middle of Union Square in NYC with a sign that read, “Say Something Nice.” Imagine if your campus created a […]

Dance Floor Theory In Living Color [IMAGE]

Dance Floor Theory In Living Color

While at Fordham University doing a training for their Orientation Leaders, I noticed, right from the beginning, one student with his head down. He kept his head down the whole time and almost never made eye contact with me. I figured he was either studying, autistic, or just straight up didn’t care what I was […]

Blender Events Brainstorming List

Blender Events Brainstorming List

If you follow our blog, you probably noticed we started a new segment called ‘Blender Events‘ where we highlight possible Blender Events student leaders could run on their campus. If you’re a DFT alumni, you should already know the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of Blender Events. If the term is brand new to you, click here to […]

The Social Waltz

The Social Waltz

While hanging out in Central Park, I watched a large group of people picnicking in a grassy area nearby. Without attempting to stare too much, I’d glance back to the group every five minutes. Each time I looked back, everyone had switched places. It was one big social waltz where everyone mingled with everyone. Thinking […]


Blender Events

KLM leveraged Social Media to creatively engage their traveling customers with a pattern interrupt of happiness. Imagine if your campus had a Social Media Prize Patrol that would track students down via public tweets and deliver them a pattern interrupt of happiness. ** To learn more about Blender Events, click here. To learn more about our Dance Floor […]

The Emerging Dilemma of Facebook URLs

The Emerging Dilemma of Facebook URLs

While hanging out with friends, someone asked the group what our first online screen name was. We all shared and laughed as each one was more obnoxious than the previous. BigBlueEyez22 LookAtMe_LookAtMe Itz*MEEEEEEEEEE TheKooliest sportygirl9 footballdemon i<3puppies CrappyMcCrapper Luckily, we’ve all grown up and realized that those names, while fun and cool when we were […]

Managing Our Social Media Stream – Part 1

social networking

Before I dig into the details, let me share two quick statements and five myths… Two Statements: This isn’t the only right way to manage a community’s social media activity, it’s just our way that works for us. You’ll have to discover what works best for your community. In six months, some of our tactics […]

‘Perspectivizing’ Your Online Engagement Data

Your Online Engagement Data

Ok, I made that word up, but before our etymologist readers split for the hills, hear me out as to what it means. We help run the social media accounts of a couple education related companies. Every month we run an analytics report to measure what’s working, what’s not working, and the overall growth of […]

Introducing: 1st Annual Collegiate International Free Hugs Day (11-10-11)

After seven years of helping colleges create their own events on a campus-by-campus basis, we thought it was time to step up the game. This year we’re bringing together 10,000s of student leaders and student groups from all over the world to participate in one single event on one single day. Introducing the 1st Annual […]

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