How To Measure Member Engagement

My role as Member Engagement Chair for the NYC Entrepreneurs’ Organization was to come up with a way to celebrate our most engaged members. Coming up with prizes was easy, but determining our top members out of 300 people was difficult. I started by listing out all the activities that a member might engage with […]
How Often Do You Talk To Your Members?

We recently took over management of the Member Experience from orientation to renewal for a private community of venture-backed start-up founders called While we have many exciting initiatives planned, I knew the first step was to reach out and have a conversation with as many community members as possible. For each conversation, I asked […]
Who Wants To Go Bowling Naked?

Would you be interested in joining a group of strangers for a round of bowling…naked?!? What about naked yoga? The Baltimore Yoga and Meditation community currently have 582 members who are passionate or curious about the idea of doing normal social activities like bowling, yoga, and swimming… only, they want to do it in the […]
How To Engage Your Super Users

SAS is a massive global analytics software and solutions provider with just over 380,000 users engaged in their community. However, within those 380,000 users, only 23 members get the official title of “Super User” each year. That’s right, only 23 people per year! The invite-only application to become a SAS Super User is based on […]
Experience Based Values Creation

Our climbing instructor took out a small hammer and tapped it against the rock. She leaned in with her ear to hear the noise the hammer made against it. “Nope, we can’t climb here.” She then repeated the process in three more spots until she finally turned back to the group and declared an excellent […]
Tom’s 8 Predictions for 2021

Strategic planning is so much easier when we can make some decently good predictions about what will happen. That’s why 2020 was so difficult to plan because EVERYTHING seemed so unpredictable. Just when an organization would sign off on a plan, something in the world would change, and the plan would be deemed useless. We […]
Nonverbal Cues: Your Silent Partner in Engagement

Imagine you’re checking out a new apartment. While getting a tour of the place from the current renter, who would be your roommate, he starts acting odd. I mean, really odd. He walks rapidly around the apartment. He holds his water glass high above his head. Next thing you know, he is shuffling backwards on […]
Is Your Team a Bunch of Dumb Rats?

While preparing for an upcoming program with a group of campus leaders, I asked the Director of Orientation if anything in particular stood out about her group of students. She replied, “I don’t know what it is about this year, or this group, but they just aren’t into it. They seem low energy, low passion, […]
What Each Level of Engagement Needs in Your Community

In 1943, American psychologist Abraham Maslow published an article in Psychological Review titled, “A Theory of Human Motivation.” Maslow proposed that humans have five levels of needs that build in sequential order. The needs are (in order), physiological, safety, social, self-esteem, and self-actualization. For a human to care about self-actualization, the other four needs are […]
Everyone Plays a Role in Engagement: Finding Community Leaders

“You have to meet Ms. Peaches! Everyone loves her. She takes time to talk with each one of us to really understand the challenges we’re facing. When I talk with her, I can tell she really cares about our success. She goes out of her way to help anyone who needs it.” When I first […]