Vision, Mission, and Values Part 4: Creating Your Team Values

At this point in the journey, your team should have a clear sense of what mountain you will climb (Vision) and which path you will take up that mountain (Mission). Most teams might stop here; however, there always comes a point in the journey when challenges happen and tough decisions must be made. Sometimes you […]
You Need To Ask To Increase Engagement

Every hand in the room was in the air. I knew the number would be high, but I didn’t expect it to be 100%! At a recent leadership program I ran at Gannon University, I asked the current campus leaders how many are in a leadership position because someone asked them to take on the […]
Stop Trying to Engage Your Entire Community With The Same Type of Activities

It was a sad situation, knowing that the group spent thousands of dollars and no one showed up to the event. I was working with a university in Georgia that was hosting an outdoor adventure day for their campus. Ironically, it was raining that day, so they had to move the adventure indoors. The entire […]
Three Effective Ways to Increase Productivity and Focus in Meetings

I felt naked without my cell phone next to me during the meeting. As I entered the room for our two-hour meeting, someone greeted me with a briefcase filled with cell phones. I was told that everyone was required to place their cell phone into the briefcase before entering the room. My first reaction was, […]
Who Makes The First Impression in Your Community?

“Mo!!!” Everyone in the room yelled in unison. Of course, everyone knew instantly who I was talking about, but all I said was, “The security guard out front is great!” Mo is the security guard at the main entrance to Seton Hall University. He is the first person that everyone meets and greets as they […]
Engagement Is A Process, Don’t Push It

I never thought knowledge about plastic recycling would be the reason to get more engaged. Those who know me now may find it hard to believe that I hardly participated in any school-sponsored events before college. I was the student who ignored or declined pretty much every extracurricular activity. I thought that was something “those” […]
Extroverts Can Be Scary And Decrease Engagement

Now I know how a matador feels when they get trampled by a bull. No, I wasn’t in a bull ring, but when the group of leaders charged at me as I entered the meeting room, I saw parts of my life flash in front of me, thinking it was my final moment in life. […]
How To Spot Trending Leaders In Your Community And Keep Them Engaged

I was paying thousands of dollars but wasn’t engaged at all; therefore, I was not getting any value. Two years ago, I received an invitation to join a fatherhood community. Although I paid my membership fees on time each month, I wasn’t very active in the group. It wasn’t a priority for me at the […]
The Best Way To Come Up With New Activities For Your Community

Nothing feels worse than standing in a room filled with party balloons but you are all alone because no one showed up. In college, I was elected student leader for the honors club. I was a club member the prior year and thought that I could offer a lot of value if I stepped into […]
Deciding When To Pull The Plug On Your Community

I was the captain of a sinking ship, and I didn’t know exactly how to stop my ship from capsizing. A few years ago, I was hired as an engagement growth specialist for an up-and-coming community. When I received the offer to be their executive director, I was overjoyed because it fits perfectly within the […]