Go Small: The Secret to Driving Retention, Engagement, and Productivity

Stop thinking so big to transform your team’s culture. John Gottman, a leading expert on relationships, found, after decades of research, that successful long-term relationships aren’t built on big, dramatic gestures. Instead, they thrive on what he calls “small things often”—little actions, repeated frequently, that make the other person feel valued and connected. Things like […]
Escape the Office, Ignite Your Strategy: Why Offsite Retreats Are Worth Every Penny

A client recently faced a dilemma: host their upcoming strategy retreat in their familiar (and free!) office space, or splurge on an offsite location. It was a classic case of “save money” vs. “spend money.” After some discussion, they chose the latter. This reminds me of a time when a university invited me to speak […]
Your Onboarding Process is Broken: Why New Members Are Leaving (And It’s Not Their Fault)

Let’s face it: your onboarding process is a disaster. It’s a sink-or-swim approach that’s leaving new members feeling isolated, overwhelmed, and wondering if they made a mistake by joining your community. Let’s break down what a broken onboarding process looks like. The Cost of a Broken Onboarding Process: Houston, we have a major problem here. […]
From Club Leader to Career Hero: How to Transfer Your Leadership Skills to Your Resume

As a college student leader, you’ve honed your skills outside the classroom in the hectic world of student clubs, organizations, and events. You’ve been in the trenches, organizing meetings, planning events, and managing teams. But how do you translate these co-curricular experiences into resume gold? Enter the magic of transferable skills. Whether you’re preparing to […]
Mastering Flyer and Poster Design: 10 Tips for College Student Leaders

Whether promoting your club’s next big event or recruiting new members, creating eye-catching flyers and posters is key to grabbing attention on campus. Here are ten essential tips to help you design flyers and posters that stand out and effectively communicate your message. 1. Clear Messaging is Key First things first, your flyer or poster […]
Finding Future Leaders Within Your People

Hold back the tears because, at some point, you will have to pass on the leadership role to someone else. In our world, we call these people Trending Leaders. But don’t worry; it’s easier than choosing what to watch on Netflix each night. The process of finding, picking, and training these people happens long before […]
Starting a Conversation with a Stranger – The C.A.T.S.I. Framework

Three things that intimidate me: If you are like me, I can’t help you with the first two, but for the third one—meeting new people for the first time—I created a clever little strategy to help me not only start a conversation but also build a connection with someone that I’m meeting for the first […]
Don’t Mix Marketing With Relationship Building

As you walk down the street, you see me at the end of the block, holding up a “Free Hugs” sign. What do you do? If you’re a hugger, you might dive in for a squeeze. If you aren’t a hugger, you might smile as you pass by or cross the street faster than someone […]
Design Our 2024 #FreeHugs Postcard!

Are you a creative person? Does your art dazzle, amaze, and inspire? Do you want the opportunity to have your original design travel across the world? We have an exciting opportunity for you! Here’s the rundown: Swift Kick loves free hugs, both virtual and in-person. We want to spread that love as far as it […]
Vision, Mission, and Values Part 4: Creating Your Team Values

At this point in the journey, your team should have a clear sense of what mountain you will climb (Vision) and which path you will take up that mountain (Mission). Most teams might stop here; however, there always comes a point in the journey when challenges happen and tough decisions must be made. Sometimes you […]