Emory U Suspends Fraternity for “Fight Club” Activities
Warning: this post breaks the first rule of Fight Club. Apparently, so did some Emory University students when they came forward about some suspicious fraternity activity on their campus. Phi Delta Theta pledges were forced to eat unusual amounts of non-food items and sleep on the hard floor in the basement of the house in […]
#YOLO Your Way into College?
In an apparent move to appeal to a new generation, Tufts University is including the following question as one of the essay options on their college application: The ancient Romans started it when they coined the phrase “Carpe diem.” Jonathan Larson proclaimed “No day but today!” and most recently, Drake explained You Only Live Once […]
How Not To Promote Your Campus Event on Twitter [IMAGE]
I, along with 100s of other people, received a Tweet from the above Twitter account letting me know about an upcoming event happening at KSU. Here’s what’s wrong with it and why you shouldn’t do your marketing like this… Irrelevant – I don’t go to KSU. I’m nowhere near KSU. I don’t know anyone at […]
What Student Affairs Professionals Do [IMAGE]
The internet continues to provide an endless flow of memes that are easily translated to every profession. From “Sh*t Student Affairs Professionals Say” to the latest shown below… Hat Tip to Felecia George and Sandi Pope for sharing this one with us.
Target’s Shameful College Marketing Fail [IMAGE]
Every year big box retails host large “back to school” marketing campaigns to drive sales. In a slap to the face of higher education goals, Target’s using its national brand to promote “beer pong” equipment as essential college gear. We’re joining Cindy Kane and Jeff Jackson in using this blog as a platform to protest […]
Cross Comparing Campus Interest Tag Clouds [IMAGE]
Breaking news! College students nationwide are interested in both music and movies. Yep, it’s true. You heard it here first. When we decided to compare campus interest tag clouds, we knew there would be some common top interests, such as music and movies. But looking past the top interests is where it gets interesting. At […]
How is Red Rover Changing Your Campus?
Donny Jenkins is studying Biology at Georgia Highlands College. In the interview below, Donny shares how Red Rover is changing the way students connect on his campus. Q: How does RR help your campus? A: I show the students my account and the contacts and friends I have made using Red Rover’s tools. I explain […]
Students Helping Students
Kansas State University’s “Students Helping Students” campaign has the potential to be a national theme for peer-to-peer learning. For those who’ve had us on campus working with your student leaders, you should recognize the Blender Events and Flash Mobs throughout the video. Enjoy! VIDEO FILE NO LONGER AVAILABLE
The Value of Integrating Social Media into Education
Dean Long, of LAUS, only needs two minutes to perfectly explain how every educator should be thinking about social media. VIDEO FILE NO LONGER AVAILABLE And if your life is too busy for a two-minute interlude, here are the highlights: Use SM (Social Media) to cultivate a community around the activities already being done on […]
Playing Catch Up: Colleges and the Web
(This is a cross-post from the Student Affairs Blog) “We shape our tools and then our tools shape us.” – Marshall McLuhan You’ve probably heard the term “Web 2.0.” The idea was that the changes in how the internet worked over the last 8 years were profound enough to warrant a whole new version. While […]