How To Deal with Negative People On Your Team

Have you ever worked with someone who’s like a human raincloud…or more like a thundercloud? Are they constantly casting a shadow over you and your team’s spirit? I bet you have. It’s a challenge we all face at some point. A study by doctoral students William Felps and Terence Mitchell, published in the Harvard Business […]
How to Create a Simple Budget for Your Organization

$20 for food. $10 for technology. Which leaves…$150 for me! If only budget creation were as simple as playing with Monopoly money. However, I’m the guy in Monopoly who buys hotels on Park Place but has zero cash in my bank. While Monopoly money won’t actually buy you anything in real life, a well-constructed budget […]
How To Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals

“What’s your personal goal?” I asked him. “To go to the gym,” he responded. “Great! How many times?” I asked. “Three times per week,” he responded. “Great! For how long?” “45 minutes.” “Great! Is that 45 minutes for all three sessions or 45 minutes per session?” “Each session.” “Great! Lastly, is this something you’ll have […]
How to Run an Effective Brainstorming Session

Have you ever been in a brainstorming session that felt more like a brain-draining session? Brainstorming sessions get a bad rap, but the end result of a great brainstorming session is exactly what leaders want: Creative ideas, team bonding, and new energy. But most people are bad at running brainstorming sessions because no one ever […]
How to Delegate Work To Your Team

So you aspire to be a leader, huh? Well, the only way to achieve leadership is by guiding others to accomplish tasks. This means, at some point, you will need to delegate work to others. Great leaders are adept at delegation. Renowned leadership expert John C. Maxwell once said, “If you want to do a […]
How to Achieve Perfect Team Alignment in Three Simple Steps

Teamwork makes the dream work! Can I see a show of hands, how many of you resonate with that phrase? Only a few hands are going up. Some of you may be recalling your school days, cringing at the memory of group projects. Well, for better or worse, group projects are a part of our […]
What Are Hygienic Motivators, and Why Are They Crucial for Team Retention?

They call it a flash fire because the fire happens so fast. That’s what it felt like when the group’s manager asked for feedback on ways management could better support their employees. With 400 people in the room, you can see how quickly the venting session ramped up and soured the mood in the room. […]
Vision, Mission, and Values Part 2: Creating a Vision

When you ask yourself, “What mountain do we want to climb?” What you are really asking is, “What big problem would we love to solve?” Or, “What kind of world would we love to live in?” If everything went right over the next 1, 3, 5, or 10 years, what would you have solved through […]
Growing a Community is Never Passive

What started as the magic ingredient needed to save their community became a logistical nightmare. Through a mutual connection, the head of a large community of e-commerce sellers invited me to lunch. The purpose of the meeting was to see if we could help them buck their negative member retention rates. The organization had steadily […]
Supporting Ukraine One Day At A Time

With devastation happening in Ukraine, we still find #TeamHuman moments. From a young girl singing, a violinist playing for her fellow bunker mates, a reporter helping the elderly, and an arena supporting a Ukrainian soccer player, we see you, we recognize what you are going through, and we are here for you. So keep your […]