From Club Leader to Career Hero: How to Transfer Your Leadership Skills to Your Resume

As a college student leader, you’ve honed your skills outside the classroom in the hectic world of student clubs, organizations, and events. You’ve been in the trenches, organizing meetings, planning events, and managing teams. But how do you translate these co-curricular experiences into resume gold? Enter the magic of transferable skills. Whether you’re preparing to […]

Finding Future Leaders Within Your People

Hold back the tears because, at some point, you will have to pass on the leadership role to someone else. In our world, we call these people Trending Leaders. But don’t worry; it’s easier than choosing what to watch on Netflix each night. The process of finding, picking, and training these people happens long before […]

Don’t Mix Marketing With Relationship Building

As you walk down the street, you see me at the end of the block, holding up a “Free Hugs” sign. What do you do? If you’re a hugger, you might dive in for a squeeze. If you aren’t a hugger, you might smile as you pass by or cross the street faster than someone […]

And the Winning 2024 #FreeHugs Postcard Is…

Thank you to everyone who has participated by submitting wonderful designs and voting for our 2024 #FreeHugs postcard! We are so grateful to Lydia Mencer for such creative contributions. She designed four wonderful postcards for us, and through your votes, one was chosen! Lydia attends the University of Delaware and is an extremely talented artist. […]


Each year, we ask student artists in our Dance Floor Theory community to create new designs for our FREE HUGS Postcard for the upcoming school year. As we move into another year, we need your help in picking the final design for our new FREE HUGS postcard. Thanks to the incredibly talented students, we had a lot of […]

Design Our 2024 #FreeHugs Postcard!

Are you a creative person? Does your art dazzle, amaze, and inspire? Do you want the opportunity to have your original design travel across the world? We have an exciting opportunity for you! Here’s the rundown: Swift Kick loves free hugs, both virtual and in-person. We want to spread that love as far as it […]

The Four Rules For Using Music To Enhance Your Event

By default, “The Lion King” soundtrack was my go-to motivation music. Let me explain, and in doing so, I will reveal my age. Growing up, soccer was my sport. I played it every chance I got. Keeping in shape during the off-season was the key to staying good at soccer. My goal was to run […]

The Importance of Ongoing Support for Your Smaller Community Groups

I knew the whole group would fall apart if I didn’t attend their next meeting. That was how I felt after one distraught group member messaged me to say they were in trouble. Members weren’t showing up to meetings, engagement during the meetings was low, and the group often only covered half of the agenda […]

Who Makes The First Impression in Your Community?

“Mo!!!” Everyone in the room yelled in unison. Of course, everyone knew instantly who I was talking about, but all I said was, “The security guard out front is great!” Mo is the security guard at the main entrance to Seton Hall University. He is the first person that everyone meets and greets as they […]

Engagement Is A Process, Don’t Push It

I never thought knowledge about plastic recycling would be the reason to get more engaged. Those who know me now may find it hard to believe that I hardly participated in any school-sponsored events before college. I was the student who ignored or declined pretty much every extracurricular activity. I thought that was something “those” […]

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