6 Ways to a Healthy Heart That are Quicker Than Eating Cheerios

My friend and I were walking down the street in the Financial District when we passed a man with a sign saying “I’m homeless, please help. God bless.” He is there every day, and it is a surprise if he is not sitting in the same spot on the sidewalk on any given morning. My […]

The Best Connections Are Unexpected – A Student Leader Spotlight

We are always meeting student leaders who are going the extra mile to make others feel welcome and build community culture on their campuses. We realized that one great way to learn from each other is to spotlight different students who have made an impact on the lives of their fellow students. Meet Kaylee Gutschow, a […]

The Friends You Make In Your First Year are… Different

As I was running down the ramp to attempt to barely make a train at Grand Central, another woman was running beside me. The doors of the train closed before we reached them, and we both just stopped, disappointed. Suddenly the doors popped back open and we both went “OH!!” and started running again to […]

Giving People the Place to Be Themselves

On Friday, I was walking down Broadway, rushing to get back from an errand towards the end of the workday, in typical NYC fashion. Knit brow, moving at a fast clip, thinking about how many more steps it would take back to my building. As I approached my destination, I saw a man cleaning the street. […]

Small Talk, Big Impact for New Students

Small Talk, Big Impact for New Students

Over the weekend, I spent time with my boyfriend’s brothers and close friends at a BBQ. I always have a great time hanging out with this group, though I don’t know a lot of the people too closely yet. I am still, to many of them, a new addition to the group. Luckily for me, […]

Trader Joes Gave Me A Free Sample And A Life Lesson

Trader Joes

Like a Pavlovian dog, any time I enter into Trader Joe’s, I make my way to the free sample counter to see what delicacy they are handing out to the masses. Today was no different, and the savory treat I devoured was a melted cheese pretzel. After washing the pretzel down with another sample of […]

4 Love-Centered Tips for Increasing Engagement in Your Student Organization

4 Love-Centered Tips

Pulling my hair out, twitching at work, having slight panic attacks over all the work to be done.. Making lists upon lists for a cultural club instead of homework and papers. Caring more about the outcome of our event than the job I was getting paid for….and good golly gosh I loved it. That’s what […]

Raising the Tide on Silent Waters

Raising the Tide on Silent Waters

I’m a guy who loves really great quotes. This past year, I came across one that really spoke to me. It is a Gaelic Proverb that says, “Waves will rise on silent waters.” I interpret it to mean that great things happen where you least expect them, too. There is always an opportunity for someone […]

Playing to Win Can Get You Coffee

Playing to Win Can Get You Coffee

I woke up this morning in my usual haze, unsure of what was happening or what I needed to do. There’s only a few fixes to this problem, but my favorite is coffee. I leave my building, and silently praise whoever decided to put a Dunkin Donut’s directly next to my apartment. There’s always a […]