Help Choose the Title of a Book about College Success!

Hey SK family! We are super duper excited to announce that we are working on putting together a book that will include essential tips for succeeding in college as a first year student. The awesome part is that it will cover the stuff that they might not tell you at orientation. You know, those questions you’re afraid […]
5 Simple Ways to Help Your Campus Not Go Insane During Finals

The above quote is what my little sister said to me, to the best of my memory, when I asked her when she would have time to play a Nancy Drew computer game with me that we started on Thanksgiving. Being a big sister who already graduated is hard during finals time….but not as hard […]
10 Ways to Create a Thankful Community on Campus

Thanksgiving practically begs to be turned into a blender event. Here are a couple of simple projects to create a sense of gratitude and community on your college campus. 1. Take over your school’s Instagram. (If they let you.) Snap pictures or videos of random students around campus, asking them what they are thankful for. 2. […]
To All the “Student Leaders” Who Never Asked for the Title

We spend a lot of time picturing the quintessential “student leader” – frenzied, wide eyed, hyper, loves ice breakers, does about a thousand and one activities. The poster child of the school. The “they are GOING places, unless they burn out, knock on wood” students. But what about everyone else? What about the student leaders […]
Designing a Unique Culture within Your Organization on Campus

I can guarantee you that I would literally scream if I had to work in a really quiet office environment. I would go insane. I wouldn’t fit in and I would be unhappy. Why? Because I thrive in loud and active environments. Too much quiet and I feel stifled. Culture is everything. In thinking about […]
That One Time BuzzFeed’s Opinion on College Made Me Angry

Hi friends! Sabina here, Community Manager of Swift Kick 🙂 A couple of months ago, Buzzfeed put up this post called 15 Things College Never Taught You About Life After Graduation. Most of it is about how college doesn’t really teach you about paying taxes, how to cope with the real world, and other things […]
Top 3 Unexpected #FreeHugs Day Trends

WOW, the day isn’t even over and so many of you have given out so many hugs already! Over the weekend, we will be posting the official numbers, so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, we noticed some crazy cool trends being posted to social media. 1. Administrators and faculty getting involved Sherrod Williams […]
Exciting Announcement: #SLchat and the Student Leader Collective
Calling all student leaders: Wouldn’t it be great if inspired students just like you got together every week to help each other be more awesome and swap ideas? Well stop wishing, it is here! Starting on October 22nd, @SLCollective is hosting their first ever #SLchat! Every Tuesday at 7pm EST, student leaders will search the […]
6 Crafty Ways To Make Club Meetings Successful

Many student leaders are on the board of one club or another, be it a cultural club or the underwater basket-weaving club. And if you are a club leader, then you know how frustrating it can be to get the students who show up at club meetings to pay attention, get engaged, and stay engaged. […]
Hey Upperclassman! A Psychology Fact That Might Make You the Best Leader Ever

It has been found that feelings of power are indirectly related to empathy. In other words, if you feel like you have power over a situation, your brain is less likely to turn on its empathy capacities. You are less likely to relate to other people with power than when you are feeling powerless. (Full […]