9 Quotes About Leadership from Richard Branson

Let’s face it, having limitless resources would be amazing. But so would inspiring and creating real, sustainable change in our world. Luckily, there are people in this world who do both. Richard Branson* was a high school drop-out with dyslexia and now is one of the most influential people in the world. Take a look at what this […]
How the Dictionary, and 6 Famous People, Define Community

According to dictionary.com, one of the definitions of the word community is “similar character; agreement; identity.” Here at Swift Kick, we believe that people become better versions of themselves when they are connected to a strong community. We aren’t the only ones who feel this way…#TeamHuman Which one of these quotes best describes your community? […]
Are You Actually a Community? – Team Awesome #50Meetups

The name of the Meetup alone, Team Awesome, got me excited about the potential of meeting some really cool people. With 67 people RSVPed, I was ready to mix and mingle with NYC’s most awesome. The location of the Meetup, Barcade, was just the icing on the cake. When I arrived at Barcade, the place […]
5 Ways to Be an Exceptional Community Member from Our Team to Yours!

Curious to hear the perspective of the Swift Kick team on building a great community, I asked them all a question! If you could give the SK community advice about being a better community member what would it be? Here’s what we had to say! Tom’s advice: The more you put in, the more you get out. […]
[Video!] Swift Kick in Disney World (Not really)

Melissa and I are incredibly excited to share another video where we embarrass ourselves for your entertainment. Okay, actually, I am the only one embarrassing myself. Moving on… This time, we [pretended] to go to Disney World. We spent way too much time researching fun facts about Disney. Then, we chose our top three to […]
Knitting Up a Community at Pints ‘N’ Pearls #50Meetups

It wasn’t hard to spot them at the On Tap section of the Whole Foods in Columbus Circle. Two ladies, of different generations and backgrounds, were happily chatting as their hands worked. The purple patterned balls of yarn sat on the table, their constant companions, as cozy socks formed at the other end of their […]
Morals and Values

In light of recent events, I don’t want to talk politics. I don’t want to talk about rights and laws. What I want to challenge everyone who reads this blog, is to think about values. What Drives You At Swift Kick, we have values that hold our team members accountable. These values define the purpose […]
The TRUTH About Almost Any Staff Meeting

Here We Are It’s that special time a week where you have the opportunity to come together with your staff and meet about everything that may be going on in your residence hall or in your department. Times will vary, but it’s likely your staff meeting needs to come later in the day to accommodate […]
How I Pageant Waved My Way to a Family

Last week was Miss New Jersey week! For most people reading that, it will mean nothing, but for me, it’s an annual family reunion… At the age of 11, I competed in my first pageant. My sportswear outfit was magenta, my gown was teal, I tap danced to “This Joint is Jumpin’” in a red and […]
Having a Group Doesn’t Mean You Have a Community

What do you do when your community doesn’t want to, well…“community”? In addition to working with Swift Kick, I am also a personal trainer. I teach a weekly bootcamp class with “The People’s Bootcamp” and get to bring together two things I like to do: exercise and telling people what to do teaching. On any given week, up […]