Make a Campus Food Service Person Smile, Change the Whole Campus Culture

I occasionally glanced over to watch the school’s food service lady smile and laugh by herself, off to the side, throughout my Dance Floor Theory training at Queensborough Community College. Her smile and laugh both seemed so genuine. It almost felt like I was secretly looking into a moment she was having with her best […]

#FreeHugs Day! Have YOU Pledged Yet?

Fall is here, and the weather is just getting colder by the minute. Nothing like warm hugs to keep you going in these cold, gloomy days. And that’s what I’m here for, to let you know you can start pledging to make people’s days a little better and warm because FREE HUGS DAY IS ONLY […]

Hold Hands, Get Chocolate – No, not from your boyfriend

Hold Hands, Get Chocolate – No, not from your boyfriend

Milka, an Argentina chocolate company, set up a nifty vending machine with a catch, to promote “tenderness” between strangers. Bear with us… You see, in order to dispense the free chocolate, people need to hold hands, one on one end touching the button on the machine, the other on the other end touching the button on […]

Coca Cola is Dance Floor Theory Gold

Coca Cola is Dance Floor Theory Gold

A few months back, the marketing world got excited over Coke’s new campaign: The Coca Cola Friendly Twist. Watch the video, it’s kind of awesome I saw this, and as a marketing fanatic, I shared it on my Facebook wall, tagging our very own Tom because it reminded me so much of what he talks […]

DFT Tip #17: The Never Ending Party


This week we posted this DFT Tip, artwork by Lia Rothschild, on our Facebook page. The idea is, you shouldn’t have to be in the room with a group you lead for them to have positive experiences. Another way to think about this tip is the old adage Give a man a fish and you […]

What It’s Like to Be in a Dance Floor Theory – Awesome Video

Baldwin Wallace sent us this epic video they put together of Tom and his Dance Floor Theory™ program this year, set to the tune of “Take a Walk,” a fun song that captures the carefree spirit of the programs.  Check it out: Here in the office, we got goosebumps watching the interactions between students, the […]

Counterintuitive Dance Floor Theory™ Tip?

Hi Swift Kickers! You might read this DFT tip and think: “But I am a FIVE! I am in the middle of the dance floor, a real student leader, starting my own parade! Someone’s gotta!” Sabina here, Community Manager at Swift Kick, and I have to admit, I thought something similar at first. Here’s how […]

Student Leader Spotlight: Carlos Escamilla, Front Range Community College ’13

School and Year: FRCC ’13 Major: Art History & Magazine Journalism Leadership position: VP of Public Relations for Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society, Press Secretary of Art Club, staff writer for Front Page newspaper, co-founder of GSA How do you define leadership?  My definition of a leader is someone who inspires innovation, motivates others, asks questions, and […]

5 Ways that a Second Grader Followed Dance Floor Theory

5 Ways that a Second Grader Followed Dance Floor Theory

Christian Bucks is an adorable second grader from Pennsylvania who realized that some of his classmates were lonely during recess time. Having heard about a “Buddy Bench” being used in a German school, Christian suggested to his school administrators that they also install one. The Buddy Bench is a designated bench on the playground where […]

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