Upcoming Webinar: Leveraging Social Media for Student Engagement


We’re excited to partner with The Student Affairs Collaborative for an upcoming webinar on Leveraging Social Media for Increased Student Engagement. This webinar is an updated version of our last webinar** in December on the same topic. The biggest update is the inclusion of a student panel to talk about how they want you to […]

On Their Terms: A Student’s Take On Professionals On Facebook

Katie was in our Advisor Technology Round Up Ed Session this morning and had strong feelings. She said she “Wouldn’t be comfortable with professors or advisors messaging her through Facebook” and then afterwards she said that, through the session conversation, she felt like she wanted to clarify.

Facebook as a Forum of Action

Facebook provides a direct connection to college students. As student affairs professionals, we see the potential for building a stronger rapport with our students by using this tool in Student Activities. In an earlier note, I mentioned using Facebook to advertise events; however, that is only the beginning. Facebook can play a vital role in […]

A Guide to Facebook for School Faculty, Administration and Staff

A Guide to Facebook

“Should I, as an academic professional in higher education, have an online social networking account?”  Yes, and here is why and how. The phenomenon of Myspace and Facebook snuck up on us like a freight train with a silent running motor.  In just 4 years, social networking sites grew to over 300 million accounts with […]

Fun @ Swift Kick Central

Right now we are knee-deep in HTML coding, logo designing, and HTTP getting that it’s only natural for us to release some steam and have a little fun. With the help of our stupefiant intern, Tony, we created a National Facebook Poke Day. The idea is to poke as many people as possible on April […]

Interview with Facebook’s Youngest Employee – Dan Weatherford

At the writing of this blog, Dan Weatherford is at the ripe young age of 20 + 1 month. What makes him special is he’s currently the youngest full-time employee at Facebook.com. Though most of you don’t know him, he programmed the ability to sort your Facebook photos which was a highly celebrated addition released […]

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