5 Solutions for When Your Team Has NO Energy (and Therefore No Productivity)

You look around the room and nobody is sitting up straight. Half your team is staring at their phones, the other half is joking with each other about how tired, stressed, or “done” they are. What happened to your hard-hitting, kick-butt team? Hint: They are human. Which means that sometimes, the energy is going to sink […]
7 Little Tricks to Build Better Connections With Your Team During Conversation

In every team I have been in, the number one thing that sets a good team apart from a bad one is their level of communication. I’m not talking about keeping in touch with your team members about your projects. I’m talking about whether or not you feel a connection with your team at the […]
How to Avoid Burnout By Using Self-Leadership

My calendar is booked up a week in advance. With my classes, clubs, internships, and social gathering, I don’t often find myself slowing down the pace. At the time I am writing this, I just came from a scheduled 1-hour dinner with friends and before that, it was a photoshoot for a marketing venture. After […]
When it comes to making or breaking habits, it’s all about friction

In the middle of 2016, I took up running as a sport. I quickly realized that I not only had a natural talent for it, but I also enjoyed running. But that doesn’t mean that when it’s 32 degrees out that I naturally put on my shoes and make a morning run happen. Nope, I’m […]
Using State Management to Stop Feeling Useless

Sometimes, working from home is exactly what I need to focus and get stuff done. But other times, not so much. The idea for this post came to me while curled up under a blanket on my huge couch. My apartment was cold, which immediately killed my motivation. I was listless and blah. Yeah, I […]
Welcoming Elon to the Swift Kick Team!

No, no. Not Musk. We have a cooler Elon on board here at SKHQ. Elon Kline is a sophomore at University of Delaware, studying Interpersonal Effectiveness in Leadership. He is also minoring in Organizational Community Leadership and Entrepreneurial Studies. But somehow he has time in between all that studying to also rock star his internship with us! […]
3 Reasons Your Team Thinks You’re Not a Morning Person (and How To Fix it)

6:00AM, Monday morning, that dreadful and loud alarm you set on your phone the night before starts screaming. You immediately wake up feeling exhausted and dead, and you hit the snooze button, so you can get those extra few minutes that you “need.” 6:05AM hits, your alarm goes off again. Still feeling exhausted and dead, you […]
Are You the Player, the Coach, or the Owner of Your Team?

My day started off by prepping for an upcoming monthly financial team meeting. Then I went into one-on-one meetings with my direct reports. Lastly, I finished my day by speaking at a leadership conference. To effectively perform each of these activities, I needed a different set of skills and mindset. As the leader of a team […]
The Vision for Swift Kick 2.0

George Bernard Shaw once said, “Progress is impossible without change.” At Swift Kick, we have some big, audacious goals around helping leaders better lead their teams and engage their members. After 14 years of training leaders, we knew a few things needed to change to help us reach our bigger vision. As we look ahead […]
5 Quotes to Hang on Your Wall to Make You a Happy Leader

Have you ever felt like life is bringing you down and you need a pick-me-up? If you answered yes, then I am right there with you! If you answered no, then I am extremely jealous of you but grateful that you have not had this feeling. 🙂 It doesn’t matter if you are a student, […]