Travel Journal: Human Connection

Silent. Wide eyed. Breathless. Inspired. So high up above what felt like a completely different world, I stood alone. Getting to the top tells a much different story. I felt the ground crunch beneath my feet with each passing step. I could feel the wind pass through the trees that each rose what looked like miles above […]

“I Know CPR if You Need it!” – Community in Crisis

“…and all the other saints who have …” -GASP!- Ten people stand up at once and the priest stops the prayer as we all turn to look at the pews on the right.  “IS THERE A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE?”  “I know CPR if you need it!” A few people stand up and head over to […]

5 Ways to Put Some Hope Back in the World

5 Ways to Put Some Hope Back in the World

It’s safe to say that we all need a little hope, love, and happiness right now, given that our country and our world feel crazier than ever. Despite the fact that very troubling news keeps breaking, I have found myself surprised to see positivity and compassion rise out of these ashes. I have been inspired […]

#RAK16 – 10 Reasons to Spread the Love Tomorrow

When someone signs up to pledge hugs for Random Acts of Kindness Day, we ask them why they are excited to participate. Here’s what some of our participants said! There’s still time to pledge for tomorrow’s RAK Day. Have an amazing day!

5 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes on Building A Beautiful Community

Today we honor someone in American history who saw past the struggles of our society to a day when we truly would live to our fullest potential as one human race. He knew it would take work, but he also knew it would be worth it. Starting in his local community and church, his message […]

Does the Security Guard Affect Campus Culture?

Take a moment to picture a security guard at your school. Choose one in particular; don’t just imagine the uniform. What does he look like? Does he smile? Is he stone faced? Is he funny or does he keep to himself? If you can’t remember any security guard, then I need you to go meet […]

10 Ways to Create a Thankful Community on Campus

Thanksgiving practically begs to be turned into a blender event.  Here are a couple of simple projects to create a sense of gratitude and community on your college campus. 1. Take over your school’s Instagram. (If they let you.) Snap pictures or videos of random students around campus, asking them what they are thankful for. 2. […]

If You’re Hurting Right Now

Friday night, my best friend and I had a sleepover and were planning on doing some crafts. We found ourselves, however, glued to our phones scrolling through post after post about the attacks happening at that very moment in France. It was internet rubbernecking:we couldn’t look, even though the possibility of seeing the pain and […]

4 Ways to Make Everyone Feel Incredibly Important

Take a moment to remember the last time you did something for someone and their happiness and gratitude made you shine brighter than any gift you’ve ever been given. That amazing feeling leaves a mark, doesn’t it? The connection between your soul and that person’s takes on a permanent hold. We all know the saying, “Live […]

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