6 Ways to a Healthy Heart That are Quicker Than Eating Cheerios

My friend and I were walking down the street in the Financial District when we passed a man with a sign saying “I’m homeless, please help. God bless.” He is there every day, and it is a surprise if he is not sitting in the same spot on the sidewalk on any given morning. My […]
Put a Little Love in Your…Student Centers

You walk into your student center on your way to the cafeteria, and you see a student running across the lobby and jumping into the arms of another student, amidst exclamations of joy. The biggest smiles you have ever seen seem permanently stuck to their faces as they squeeze their eyes tight, and their arms […]
A Look at This Year’s Random Acts of Kindness Day #RAK15

Thank you all so much for your incredible contributions to Random Acts of Kindness Day 2015. We loved seeing everyone from students to professionals get in the spirit of giving and sharing. Your random acts left us all inspired to continue spreading the love and living for and with others, and that’s what RAK Day is all about. Take […]
Are You Part of Your Family’s Community?

If you think about it, the first community you’re ever part of is your family. But we often take for granted the awesome people we are surrounded by from the beginning because, well, they’ve been there forever. When you think about your campus community, you might think of: Helping each other out Support system in […]
Why Community? Good Will

In today’s installment of my officially un-official “Why Community” series, I want to talk about why communities bring out the best in us. We can talk about how communities help serve us, but how do we serve our communities? And are we becoming better, more loving people? I think that putting yourself into a community […]
Why Community? Vacation Without Going Anywhere

Last week, I talked about one huge benefit of communities is the brainstorming ability. But there’s a thousand and one reasons communities are great, so let’s explore another. Communities give you those mini vacations you need to get through stress, work, and life. Take a moment and imagine your college career without the social aspect. […]