Facebook Scholarship and Academia

With a serious but hip academic posing seriously and hip-ly in front of a monitor I would love to own, showing a Facebook profile some dots and lines (presumably social graphs), the New York Times notes how great Facebook is for research. See the whole article here. Some interesting tidbits from the article: “Researchers learned […]
Timing Matters and Immunity to Viralness

There are three stages to Red Rover setup: School admin sets up groups at school. Student leaders set up their individual groups (summary and tags) Students set themselves up and join groups Step three is basically the “online orientation” part. We’ve been told by a few schools that they plan on including step three as […]
Why Walled Gardens are Wrong for College Social Networking

In the Secrets Behind Myspace and Facebook lecture we do a quick introduction to digital identity: It was easy when your digital identity was primarily how you represented yourself in chat rooms, to pretend to be anyone you wanted to be. Your digital identity did not have to overlap with your real identity. Now, with […]
Towards A Red Rover Theoretical Foundation

As part of the MacArthur DML application. We are working on framing a historical context in which to place Red Rover. I talked before about the need for a “cogent theoretical framework” for the application itself, this work is getting us closer to it. Because MacArthur wants everything quick and to the point, our framework […]
It’s Too Easy to Focus on the Negatives of Myspace and Facebook

We break our Myspace/Facebook program** for students into 3 parts: 1) The Dangers 2) Protecting Yourself 3) How to Use the Tools Positively and Effectively In the actual talk, we spend only about 1/3rd of the time on the first two parts and 2/3rds on the last part. The reason is studies show that students […]
Talking Metaphors and Schema on the Front Porch

At LACUSPA over the last few days, I was really enjoying the conversational and educational power of good metaphors. I think it’s something we do well at Swift Kick. First, it was with Dance Floor Theory, comparing dance floor dynamics to engagement and apathy and service leadership. Now it is with technology. Our whole program and […]
Red Rover Intro Video

In talking with a lot of advisors who are trying to start Red Rover on their campus, one of the challenges they say they are facing is convincing the staff/admin how it works and what it does. So we put together this video. More help is coming soon including a website with screenshots and an […]
Orchestration: Building Bridges – Academia and Business

Integrated business models are when you do everything yourself. Orchestration is when you put all the people and pieces together and orchestrate the outcome of their work. We are pursuing orchestration. photo: D. Knisely** We are busy trying to orchestrate very diverse pieces of this project. We have a development team in Uzbekistan. A project […]
Assumptions, Theory and Research

A few posts ago, I made a list of assumptions for Red Rover. We are now trying to cross-compare those assumptions with published research. One of our assumptions is that a well-designed and embedded Facebook orientation will feel safe to a new student. It could feel safe for many reasons, our guesses would be: digital […]
Setting up and Launching Red Rover For Pilot Schools

Updated on 2/18/08 – For the latest, see the Red Rover Wiki Adoption page here**. ———————————– This blog is a quick ‘How To‘ for the first round pilot schools (there are 15 of you!) for setting up Red Rover. There are five main steps in the process: 1) Signing up yourself as the admin (meaning […]