Coca Cola is Dance Floor Theory Gold

A few months back, the marketing world got excited over Coke’s new campaign: The Coca Cola Friendly Twist. Watch the video, it’s kind of awesome I saw this, and as a marketing fanatic, I shared it on my Facebook wall, tagging our very own Tom because it reminded me so much of what he talks […]
In Depth with DFT Tip #10: Marketing to those who don’t care

We posted this tip, awesome artwork done by Lia Rothschild, last week, and it sparked a little conversation. Our good friend and avid Swift Kick follower, Amera, commented and asked, “But how you market?” She was wondering if maybe we meant ‘quality over quantity.’ She’s right to an extent. But then Tom commented and went […]
Student Leader Spotlight: Gerardo Barraza, UTEP ’16

School and Year: University of Texas at El Paso, ’16 Major: Computer Science Leadership position: Treasurer of National Society of Leadership and Success How do you define leadership? Leadership is being able to motivate and inspire others to give the best version of themselves and present it to the world. Leadership is having the ability to […]
Counterintuitive Dance Floor Theory™ Tip?

Hi Swift Kickers! You might read this DFT tip and think: “But I am a FIVE! I am in the middle of the dance floor, a real student leader, starting my own parade! Someone’s gotta!” Sabina here, Community Manager at Swift Kick, and I have to admit, I thought something similar at first. Here’s how […]
Student Leader Spotlight: Rachel Padro (Front Range Community College)
Rachel and her brother School and Year: FRCC ’14 Major: Recreational Therapy Leadership position: Secretary for the National Society of Leadership and Success Westminster Chapter, Seretary for the Threads Club, and Secretary for the Cru Club. Member of Phi Theta Kappa. How do you define leadership? I define leadership as discovering and utilizing your unique way to lead, […]
Student Leader Spotlight: Amanda Childe (SUNY Cobleskill)
School and Year: SUNY Cobleskill ’14 Major: Early Childhood Leadership position: Member of Student Government and Event Leader for Council For Student Activities How do you define leadership? Leadership, defined in the dictionary as “the action of leading a group of people or an organization.” This to me means being responsible, communicating with others, being committed, being able […]
Student Leader Spotlight – Conner James Park (Penn State)

School and year: Penn State University, ’16 Major: Civil Engineering Leadership position: President of the Student Government Association How do you define leadership? Leadership, to me, is being someone that people can go to in a time of need. Being someone that everyone will look up to and strive to be like. Leadership is responsibility, courage, trust, […]
Can a Student Leader be too Involved?

Over the weekend, I watched the movie classic, Rushmore. For those unfamiliar, the basic plot is a hyper-involved high school student, Max, falls for a teacher while getting kicked out of school for bad grades and abuse of power. There’s a montage in the movie (see below) of all Max’s extracurricular activities that he’s either […]
5 Keys To Effective Group Decision Making for Student Leaders

Recently, I read “The Wisdom of Crowds*” by James Surowiecki, and it got me thinking about the countless number of times I’ve held student group decision-making discussions that I thought were great, but in reality, and based on the research in this book, were pointless groupthink. Deliberation in a groupthink setting has the disturbing effect […]
Hi World, Meet

As a student leader in college, my club spent a full year fundraising to host a year-end celebration. We hosted bake sales, raffles, and even a “kissing” booth, so we could generate enough funds. The amount of time it took to raise so few funds was ridiculous and had nothing to do with the purpose […]