Thoughts on Thoughts on Thoughts

Thoughts on Thoughts

Our ideas come from a collection of conversations, books, articles, blogs, and videos among many other sources. We are active participants in what is coined the Read/Write Web in which someone takes a little content to produce a little content. We are both consumers and produces at the same time. It’s very gratifying to receive […]

How We See Ourselves

Swift Kick is a laboratory. While there are many layers of experiments underneath (business structure, marketing, virtual company, transparency, etc.) our primary value to education is in the ability to visualize, put together, and sustain experiments in the fields of student engagement and education technology. To be clear, we are not the researchers. We cannot […]

Abilene Christian University’s mLearning (Mobile Learning) Initiative

Oklahoma Christian University partnered with Apple Computers to offer every 1st year student attending an orientation the option of a new Apple MacBook, iPhone, or iPod Touch! While it sounds unique, it’s not the first time as Abilene Christian University (ACU) were the pioneers in offering** a free iPhone or iPod Touch as a bonus […]

Talking vs. Doing

Talking vs. Doing

I was complaining to my girlfriend last night about talking vs. doing. That I like talking. It’s much easier than doing. We get paid to talk right now. But it is a small part of the solution. Reconfiguring the system is doing – it’s much harder and a much bigger part of the solution. Red […]

Getting an “Expert” Mentor in 3 Minutes With Delicious

Expert Mentor

Used to be one had to put long hours of Googling into research. Not so much anymore. Want to get and stay current? Use to find the fast-fingered searcher types in any field. I thought this was a known way to use delicious – that of course it was fine for storing things but […]

MacArthur DML Competition – Reading the Tea Leaves

MacArthur Foundation Submission

Traveling has me late with this post. Procrastination too. I’ve been worried about “sour grapes” and hoped that with a little time, I might better be able to get the right tone. A while back, when it seemed that we did not win the MacArthur DML grant, I said I was interested in reviewing the […]

Utlizing Facebook Flyers for Marketing Red Rover and Swift Kick

A Guide to Facebook

Last November, Facebook updated its semi-useful “Facebook Flyer” advertising system. The biggest updates were better target marketing by keyword and the ability to pay-per-click instead of impressions. This is big news for people who work in the marketing industry, especially for a PPC Agency Los Angeles as what that meant was very little harm in […]

Working Out in the Open and Eating our own Dog Food

Themes for Swift Kick

In an earlier post, Tom mentioned that one of our goals for 2008 was to work out in the open. We often recommend this in Dance Floor Theory™ leadership sessions – telling students to hold their meetings in the commons every once in a while, with a flip board showing what they are doing. It […]

APML and Education

APML and Education

A pretty little video: DataPortability – Connect, Control, Share, Remix from Smashcut Media on Vimeo**. At the moment this is a highly fringe technology conversation – solving a problem of only the most involved and finicky mobile networkers. The idea of data portability is great – though the current challenge is twofold: you can’t get […]

Funny Google Searches for Swift Kick

As a child, my parents nicknamed me The Count because I used to count the number of pennies in our HUGE family coin jar. Though I no longer count the number of pennies lying around, I do admittedly have an obsession with watching our blog numbers** and calculating its monthly growth. Call me a geek, […]

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