Yes And…Using Improv for Team Success

Last week, I went to the zoo… Suzie: Yes, and when I arrived, I could understand all the animals’ languages… Johnny: Yes, and I heard the giraffes talking smack about the turtles… Fred: Yes, and I found out that it was because the turtles played a prank on the giraffes… See where I’m going with this? Nope? […]
[Video!] Swift Kick in Disney World (Not really)

Melissa and I are incredibly excited to share another video where we embarrass ourselves for your entertainment. Okay, actually, I am the only one embarrassing myself. Moving on… This time, we [pretended] to go to Disney World. We spent way too much time researching fun facts about Disney. Then, we chose our top three to […]
[WATCH] The Swift Kick Team Sings a Holiday Song for You

Whatever we do for this next video, I will not sing. -Melissa, 10 minutes before, we wrote a parody of the 12 Days of Christmas. Clearly, we don’t listen very well to our own advice. So, for our embarrassment, and your enjoyment, our 12 [out of tune] Days on Campus, written, directed, and performed by […]
Tom was on TV About the Hugging World Record!

Roses are red, Violets are blue. Hugs are free, For me and you! On Thursday, November 3, we hosted Student Free Hugs Day. Thank you to the College of DuPage for hosting the attempt at breaking a world record for the most number of hugs in one minute. It was an honor for Tom to […]
[VIDEO] What does ‘Humans Need Humans’ Mean to you?

Humans Need Humans What does it mean to you? We asked our friends and family, and students at Bridgewater State, LeMoyne, Kutztown, and UNT Dallas what they thought. Check it out! Now it’s your turn! Film a video for Instagram and tag @swiftkickhq and #teamhuman – let us know what ‘Humans Need Humans’ mean to […]
Do you hug like a Ninja or a Koala Bear? [VIDEO]

Some people hug like a koala; others hug like a rhino. Another day, another ridiculous video created by the Swift Kick team, with help from friends and family. This time, we decided to ask #TeamHuman the very important question: How do you hug? The answers were…unexpected. Ch-ch-check it out! Bonus points if you know how […]
[Video] 23 Minutes and 15 Seconds Could Be Your Undoing

Not another Swift Kick video! Melissa and I teamed up to talk a little about the #21tipsbook. The silliness was to be expected when you put the two of us on camera. Watch and learn a very helpful fun fact while giggling a little. 🙂 Hope you enjoyed! Got ideas for the next Swift Kick […]
What the heck does FUNSTUCK mean?

We like to tell new college students to get funstuck. But since nobody but us knows exactly what that means, we thought it would be helpful if we provided an explanatory video. Watch our friends try to understand the silly word, and then have the aha moment when we explain it. Think you would have […]
[VIDEO] Simple Events to Bring Your Team Closer Together

Right before she left, our intern Nicole made a fun video with community manager Sabina about their failed attempt to hold a blender event at their office. They talk about why it didn’t work to build community culture, why it might work for you, and what they could have done better. The second half of the […]
Coca Cola is Dance Floor Theory Gold

A few months back, the marketing world got excited over Coke’s new campaign: The Coca Cola Friendly Twist. Watch the video, it’s kind of awesome I saw this, and as a marketing fanatic, I shared it on my Facebook wall, tagging our very own Tom because it reminded me so much of what he talks […]