3 Ways to Foster Learning and Comfort in Your Group #50Meetups

Sometimes, when I visit a meetup for our #50Meetups project, I feel a little like a spy. To get a real feel for how the group functions, I have to act as a participant, not a researcher. No, I do not knit, or do origami. But I DO care about why your group members keep […]

Board Games with Strangers #50Meetups

The smooth sounds of old jazz flow through the airwaves as I sit here on a Wednesday evening, writing in my notebook. I am alone, very early for the meetup. I can hear girls giggling as they jokingly yell at each other to take their turn faster. I also overhear a man explaining the rules […]

Quotes about Community from our First 5 Presidents

Happy President’s Day! The United States has always striven to be a country of the people, knowing that the people, not the government, makes a country great. I pulled quotes from our first 5 presidents about what it takes to be a great community member. While they were speaking in terms of the citizens of a […]

Networking at The Product Group – #50Meetups

I signed in at the door and was told to wait for a security guard to escort me to the elevator. In the elevator, there was a woman there to push the button for us. Was I entering some sort of high security zone? The elevator operator told us to enjoy, and we got off […]

[Video!] Swift Kick in Disney World (Not really)

Melissa and I are incredibly excited to share another video where we embarrass ourselves for your entertainment. Okay, actually, I am the only one embarrassing myself. Moving on… This time, we [pretended] to go to Disney World. We spent way too much time researching fun facts about Disney. Then, we chose our top three to […]

OMG! (The Origami Meetup Group) – #50Meetups

Mountain, valley, reverse inside fold. No, I did not attend a Tuesday evening extreme laundry while hiking event. I went to a meetup for origami lovers. On a rain evening near Union Square, I walked into Argo Tea Cafe. I made a beeline for the counter and ordered a steaming cup of Hibiscus Apple tea. […]

Wedding Planning Taught Me that Humans Need Humans

Okay so I still haven’t gotten a dress and oh crap flowers are expensive and how can I possibly find dresses for my bridesmaids when they don’t even live nearby and what about my hair???? WEDDING PLANNING IS HARD!!!!!!!!!! This was the mental dialogue happening inside my head last week, as I realized my wedding […]

Knitting Up a Community at Pints ‘N’ Pearls #50Meetups

Knitting Up a Community

It wasn’t hard to spot them at the On Tap section of the Whole Foods in Columbus Circle. Two ladies, of different generations and backgrounds, were happily chatting as their hands worked. The purple patterned balls of yarn sat on the table, their constant companions, as cozy socks formed at the other end of their […]

5 Little Ways You Can Honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is far too great a burden to bear.” The words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. are the kinds of words that ring true no matter how many years have passed. They inspire love, and the nitty gritty business of holding ourselves accountable for how we treat […]

Your One Job – Keep People Out of the Twilight Zone

Sweating, tripping over his own two feet, a man cries out for anyone, anyone, to answer him. He stumbles around a strange town, completely devoid of any human life. Finally, he is rendered exhausted and terrified, repeatedly pushing the button at the crosswalk, begging for help.  I sat down the other day and watched the […]

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