3 Steps For Leaders To Recover Gracefully From Mistakes


I live and die by my work calendar, so I was annoyed that one of my team members had missed her one-on-one meeting with me. It is so easy to keep track of appointments, meetings and deadlines using a sharepoint calendar, so there is no excuse to miss something like this. Not only did this […]

Two Ways to Make Sure Your Employees Aren’t Wasting Time at Work

Our team was wasting two hours of time after each training. That means with the 90 trainings we did in 2017, our team wasted a total of 180 hours. That’s almost a month of wasting time! What happened? After every training, we had a process of sharing all the training photos on our Facebook page […]

Why Millennials On Your Team Quit Their Jobs and How to Stop It

millennial employee turnover

During a professional development training around employee engagement, a woman came up to me during a break. In a very quiet voice, said that she wanted to share with the group why she loves her job, but felt embarrassed to do so in front of everyone because she thought it was silly. So I asked […]

The Three D’s of Creating Team Alignment

I was coaching a business owner about how frustrated he was with his team. He said that in a recent meeting, the team had a conversation around a new project to work on. At the end of the meeting there was a vote and everyone unanimously agreed to make the new project happen. But then […]

Using the Consistency Principle to Nudge Someone into Participating

Leading up to the national elections last year, I received a series of text messages on my phone. Most of the texts were informational regarding polling locations and deadlines. One text, that came the day prior to election day, caught my eye because it asked me if I was planning to vote tomorrow and asked […]

Keep Yourself and Your Team on Track with a Prioritization Funnel

Through a casual conversation with one of my employees, he asked if he should still continue to update a financial document every day. In confusion, I asked him what document he was talking about. He then sent me a link and I found myself looking at a document that was at least 10 months old […]

When it comes to making or breaking habits, it’s all about friction

In the middle of 2016, I took up running as a sport. I quickly realized that I not only had a natural talent for it, but I also enjoyed running. But that doesn’t mean that when it’s 32 degrees out that I naturally put on my shoes and make a morning run happen. Nope, I’m […]

Bu-Bye 2017 Hu-Low 2018: An Inside Look at the Future of Swift Kick

After 96 programs, 230,000 miles, and countless hugs given, the Swift Kick team is calling it a wrap on 2017. In 2004, I started Swift Kick with the goal of making it a world-class leadership training company. Nothing about the past 13 years has been smooth sailing. But 2017 was our best year ever – […]

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