The Red Rover Orientation Activity

Moving students from online connections to offline engagement is a goal of Red Rover. We want to help you find people who are excited about the same things as you within your community and then help you go do stuff around those interests. Facilitating connections around shared interests builds a sense of comfort which according […]
Sir Ken Robinson: Changing Education Paradigms [VIDEO]

Sir Ken Robinson continues to be a hero of ours for his ability to perfectly articulate how to imporve the educational system. In case you haven’t watched any of his pervious TED talks, check them out here and here. (via @NikiRudolph)
Dance Floor Theory™ In A Nutshell [QUOTE]

This is an except I wrote from an upcoming NCSL NOW! magazine article about online community engagement… “When talking about online engagement my favorite place to start is offline on the dance floor. We’ve all been to good dances and bad dances. Good dances are proportional to the number of relationships built up on the […]
Tis The Season To…Hire

With an amazing 2010 coming to a close for us at Red Rover and 2011 already looking like a landmark year, we’re expanding the team and looking to recruit some amazing new people. Below are two roles we’re hiring for in the next couple weeks. For both roles, they’d start off as trial contractual positions […]
Engagement Based Leadership
Most student club advisors will tell you that club engagement goes through waves; some years are rockstars and others are duds. Almost every club starts the year with aspirations of rockstardom, but within a couple weeks, the excitement and motivation of the leadership team fades, and thus, the entire club activity withers. In pondering this […]
An Open Letter Back To The #SAchat Community

The Backstory Kevin and I started The Student Affairs Collaborative in 2005 to test our hypothesis that a decentralized, open system of peer-to-peer learning built around shared interests would increase engagement and retention. We wanted to create a community in which everyone was a teacher at some level, and everyone supported each other to become […]
Starting Alumni Engagement Before Orientation

I created this deck to frame the conversation as to how Red Rover can support alumni departments with their goals. It’s cross posted over at the Swift Kick/Red Rover blog. The slide show can also be viewed and downloaded here.
Starting Alumni Engagement Before Orientation
The deck below was created to frame the conversation around how Red Rover can support alumni departments with their goals. The slide show can also be viewed, downloaded, and embedded here.
Redefining Student Engagement Through the Fogg Behavior Model (Part 1)
BJ Fogg created the Fogg Behavior Model (FBM) through his work at the Persuasive Technology Lab at Stanford University. The FBM states… “Three elements must converge at the same moment for a behavior to occur: Motivation, Ability, and Trigger. When a behavior does not occur, at least one of those three elements is missing.” Fogg […]
Beyond the Classroom: An Interview with Nic Ford

Nic Ford is a sophomore at Lewis-Clark State College in Idaho, and is a member of the Red Rover Ground Team. He’s working toward a career in Marketing, and has big plans for his campus radio station this fall. Check out Nic’s design work at Nic spoke with us about using tools like the […]