Swift Kick Helps “Meh” Become an Official Word

Well ok, we weren’t the main driving force, but for the past 5 years the term “meh” has been a cornerstone of our Dance Floor Theory Leadership Training and with 200+ college trainings under our belt, I feel like we’ve done our part to help push the “meh” agenda. In DFT we show student leaders […]

Podcast on Technology and the Future of Higher Education

Podcast on Technology

In a podcast with Paul Miller of Project Xiphos, Kevin talked about technology and the future of higher education. The podcast runs 38 minutes, but if your time is short, here are some key quotes from Kevin I pulled while listening. – Education needs technology to stay relevant – Apathy is oil in the ground […]

What A Lovely Walled Garden It Is

What A Lovely Walled Garden It Is

To write this post, I’m currently “hacked” into the wifi system of a small community college on the east coast. For fear of my safety and those involved, I’ve hidden the identity of individuals in the story below. My mission started out simple enough; spend 1 hour online to check my email and catch up […]

The Danger of Internet Filters at Schools

If you haven’t yet subscribed to Weblogg-ed, make sure you do so. Will Richardson is spot on with many of his posts about digital literacy. His latest post, Filter Fun, talks about his ongoing frustration with schools putting filters on internet use and the potential damage caused. …I truly believe that filters make our kids […]

Rediscovering the Passion of Education

Hiring an Account Manager for Red Rover

Watching a great TED talk is like drinking hot mint tea on a crisp morning from a balcony overlooking crystal clear ocean water with dolphins swimming by as the sun rises. Get the idea 🙂 This morning I watched Benjamin Zander talk about his two infectious passions: classical music, and helping others realize their untapped […]

Join Our Team – Hiring an Account Manager for Red Rover

Hiring an Account Manager for Red Rover

Red Rover** is a free online tool for schools to use that improves education by increasing engagement, effectiveness, and relevancy. We are out to change education for the better and looking for someone, maybe you, to join our team. As Red Rover continually expands to more and more schools, we want to hire a part-time […]

Engagement & The Tale of Two Grateful Dead Shirts


As 1,200 students filed into the room for my talk, I planted myself by the front door with a few orientation leaders and we became the informal welcoming crew. We greeted the students with smiles and good morning wishes. I commented on cool or unique clothing I saw as a way to personalize the greeting and make […]

Is Facebook Making My Brain Bigger?

Is Facebook Making My Brain Bigger

We mammals have a unique part of our brain called the neocortex that separates us from every other animal on the planet. Among mammals, neocortex sizes vary greatly and humans having the largest neocortex. The research is still not yet definitive as to why humans are the largest. The most popular theory, created by biologist […]

When a Hug Is More than a Hug

Last week I did our Dance Floor Theory and Free Hugs training for an Army BOSS conference because, just like schools, the Army has an extremely hard time engaging their single Soldiers. According to a 2005 Leisure Needs Survey, 80-95% of single Soldiers never participate in BOSS sponsored activities. As usual, I set up the idea […]

Red Rover Intro Video for Students

Intro Video

After we created our Red Rover intro video for staff/admin about 4 months ago, we knew we’d soon need an intro video for students. After a few rounds of adjustments and grammar corrections, here it is: VIDEO BROKEN** Red Rover Intro Video for Students** from Swift Kick on Vimeo. ** Link Broken as of June/2019

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