Red Rover Intro Video for Students

Intro Video

After we created our Red Rover intro video for staff/admin about 4 months ago, we knew we’d soon need an intro video for students. After a few rounds of adjustments and grammar corrections, here it is: VIDEO BROKEN** Red Rover Intro Video for Students** from Swift Kick on Vimeo. ** Link Broken as of June/2019

New Admin Stats Dashboard for Red Rover – Real Time Retention Reporting

New Admin Stats Dashboard

As students use Red Rover more and more, our goal is to give as much of the user data back to the Admins in a usable format in real-time so they can take action. Here’s an example of the new stats dashboard: FILE NO LONGER AVAILABLE Day Payday Loans Reviews Stay tuned as we […]

Cutting the Fat

My fiancee and I (Tom) recently sold our car and signed up for the non-profit car sharing service iGo Cars**. Our reasons for breaking free from the car chains were partly environmental, economical, and practical as we live in downtown Chicago. But three months into the program, I discovered another unexpected reason and it interestingly […]

Say Hello to the First Official Red Rover Newsletter


We’ve joked about making the tag line for Red Rover be, “Students Actually Use It!” The proof of course is in the pudding which we’ve already talked about**. We see the students as our “customer” first and the admin/staff as our “customer” second. Most higher ed software solutions seem to think the opposite. Just look […]

Marketing Red Rover with a Facebook Note

Marketing Red Rover with a Facebook Note

The list of schools signing up to use Red Rover is growing daily, with UCLA being the newest. A great byproduct of so many active users navigating the system is seeing the new creative ways in which admins and group leaders are marketing Red Rover. Nick Chapa, a group leader at UCLA, wrote this note […]

Step 2 Red Rover Admin Set up Video Guide – Inviting Group Leaders

Step 2 Red Rover Admin Set up Video Guide – Inviting Group Leaders

Setting up Red Rover for an institution is broken down into 3 steps: Step 1 – Set Up Your Personal Account** Step 2 – Invite Group Leaders** Step 3 – Invite Regular Students** We currently have around 90 schools** at various stages of setting up. Though we’ve worked hard to make sure setup is quick […]

It’s Little but Nice to See


Just over four years ago we officially started Swift Kick by filling out all the legal paperwork. We received a certified notice, bank accounts, and EIN number. Then we went to Facebook to add Swift Kick as a company, but Facebook rejected us and said we needed to submit a request to become an official […]

What’s the Responsibility of the Digital Consumer

Digital Consumer

Most of the conversations I’ve read about the importance of digital identities (here and here) put the responsibility on the producers of the information to be more aware of what they are posting online. Like teaching students about their digital identity so next time the student will pause to think about what they post online […]

The Randomness of How Students Currently Meet at College

Students Currently Meet at College

While keeping tabs on some student blogs in my RSS feed, I came across a video** about some students who met in college and started a band. What caught my eye was when one of the band members talked about how they initially met: VIDEO FILE NO LONGER AVAILABLE I think most people would agree […]

Teaching The Google Effect and Digital Identities

Teaching The Google

Have you ever Googled yourself? What did you find? What didn’t you find? This morning Will Richardson wrote about several conversations he’s had with principals and administrations regarding if and how they use Google when hiring new employees: “When you have some applicants lined up for a teaching vacancy, do you “Google” them? Seems a […]

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