Seeing the Results

In talking with teachers, I often hear about how one of their greatest joys is when a former student comes back to tell how something you did impact their lives in a positive way. We don’t work with the same students nearly as long as a teacher does, but we do get to feel a […]

In the Race

Sooo close. That’s the theme this week. We see the finish line and it’s T-minus 2 weeks or so until we release Red Rover**. It needs a little polish on the user interface and some touch ups to the design and that’s it, we’ll be done with version 1.0! When Red Rover is finished, it […]

We’re #4 on Google!

Most of you will giggle at the joy we get about moving up the Google ladder, but in a way, it’s a modern measure of our importance in the world. It bothered us when someone would say they Googled our website and couldn’t find any info. Alas, we made it to the first page behind […]

A Guide to Facebook for School Faculty, Administration and Staff

A Guide to Facebook

“Should I, as an academic professional in higher education, have an online social networking account?”  Yes, and here is why and how. The phenomenon of Myspace and Facebook snuck up on us like a freight train with a silent running motor.  In just 4 years, social networking sites grew to over 300 million accounts with […]

Wesley College [IMAGE]

Jenn Blackwell just emailed us some pictures from a recent Dance Floor Theory Leadership Training we did at Wesley College. Looks like it was a bit too much fun to call it work. This reiterates my point that student leaders are amazing. They are willing to say “yes” to a new opportunity. It doesn’t take […]

Fun @ Swift Kick Central

Right now we are knee-deep in HTML coding, logo designing, and HTTP getting that it’s only natural for us to release some steam and have a little fun. With the help of our stupefiant intern, Tony, we created a National Facebook Poke Day. The idea is to poke as many people as possible on April […]

Interview with Facebook’s Youngest Employee – Dan Weatherford

At the writing of this blog, Dan Weatherford is at the ripe young age of 20 + 1 month. What makes him special is he’s currently the youngest full-time employee at Though most of you don’t know him, he programmed the ability to sort your Facebook photos which was a highly celebrated addition released […]

The Purpose of Personal Blogging


David Warlick authors a blog titled 2 Cents Worth that I follow occasionally and respect for his insight on many topics revolving around education and technology. His most recent post, Christine Hunewell’s A Blogger as Writer is about what’s the purpose of blogging. Here is an excerpt: “I love Christine Hunewell’s lead up to this […]

Urban Planning and Facebook

Urban Planning and Facebook

Jane Jacobs wrote a wonderful book about urban planning titled The Death and Life of Great American Cities. In the book, she explains how cities were ruined by poor urban planning and offer suggestions on ways to improve the development. One suggestion is to design streets and neighborhoods to allow for more eyes on the […]

Using Sid Meier’s Civilization in the Classroom

Sid Meier’s Civilization

Schools should embrace, at times, what is being created in the commercial world. Civilization is a perfect example. Does anyone know of any History or Economics teachers who are using Civilization in their classroom? It would great to have a case study on it.

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