The Value of a Community Door Greeter #50Meetups
The whole point of a community is to have a shared affinity around a passion or topic. I knew I was going to like the Meetup F*ckup Nights NYC** because the topic of failed entrepreneurial moments is right up my alley. The Meetup took place at the top floor of a co-working space in Brooklyn. After I […]
6 Ways to Make Meetings More Meaningful
The word “meeting” has taken on a boring, time-wasting, and generally negative connotation in recent times. We’re all busy people. Who really wants to sit around a table with people you barely know and talk logistics for an hour? The fact that most of us begin our meetings by staring at our phones can answer […]
Death Cafe NYC – #50MeetUps
You might think I am weird, but I like to talk about death. Not in a creepy way. I am simply fascinated by the conversations around death and dying. In our #50MeetUps journey, my next stop was with the Death Cafe NYC Meet Up. This group is run by a Hospice Memory Artist and a Grief Specialist […]
Knitting Up a Community at Pints ‘N’ Pearls #50Meetups
It wasn’t hard to spot them at the On Tap section of the Whole Foods in Columbus Circle. Two ladies, of different generations and backgrounds, were happily chatting as their hands worked. The purple patterned balls of yarn sat on the table, their constant companions, as cozy socks formed at the other end of their […]
Your One Job – Keep People Out of the Twilight Zone
Sweating, tripping over his own two feet, a man cries out for anyone, anyone, to answer him. He stumbles around a strange town, completely devoid of any human life. Finally, he is rendered exhausted and terrified, repeatedly pushing the button at the crosswalk, begging for help. I sat down the other day and watched the […]
5 Feels-filled Movies that Teach Us Leadership Skills
Some movies stay with us forever. Perhaps it’s because they make our allergies act up (it’s just dust in my eye, I’m not crying!). Perhaps it’s because they inspire us to be our best selves. I collected five movies that I think do a great job of teaching us how to be great leaders. 1. […]
3 Ingredients for a Successful Event
The rest of the Swift Kick team doesn’t know it, but I have spent my day working from home on coloring and crafting and gathering supplies. Shhh, don’t tell! I can’t tell you exactly why I am doing these Kindergarten activities without giving too much away. But I can tell you that it’s for tomorrow’s […]
4 Things To Do If Resolutions Aren’t Your Thing
If resolutions aren’t your thing, there is hope for you yet! Every new year, the internet seems to be filled with ways to “keep your new year’s resolution” or how to “create a resolution you’ll stick to,” but where are those articles 8 months later, when I have given up?! So I stopped making promises […]
Passionate Leadership at Taco Tuesday – #50Meetups
We arrived early at La Palapa to meet with the Meetup host, Derm. With only his profile picture to work from, we quietly questioned each other about every person who entered the restaurant, until finally the unmistakable real Derm walked in. With a big smile, Derm welcomed us to his Taco Tuesday Night Meetup. As […]
#50MeetUps – Consciousness Club #11: Determination of Death by Cessation of Brain Function
“Hey team, we’re going to go to 100 Meet Ups! …. Okay, how about 50?” – Tom On our journey through #50MeetUps to discover the key components of successful communities, our second stop was a conversation about death and when it starts. (Stay tuned for Tom’s post on our first Meetup – Taco Tuesday.) One Meetup, […]