The Four Big Myths of Dance Floor Theory

Dance Floor Theory is an engagement system that can be used by any team or organization to better engage their employees or members. We use dance floors as a visual representation of engagement within an organization. In the middle of the dance are the most engaged dancers. We call them 5s. The least engaged dancers […]

Johnny Appleseed – The Ultimate “Party Keeps Going”

Unless you’re in second grade, you probably don’t know this, but today, March 11, is Johnny Appleseed Day! Yes, I was seven the last time I talked about him. But I did some research for this post, and I realized that he is a great example of the following Dance Floor Theory tip: The (Apple) […]

When Employee Engagement Goes Too Far – Scary Sixes

Robyn works at a large cosmetics company where meetings happen every day, all day. Others on the team describe her as loud, excited, and never-ending. In meetings, there is often no reason for Robyn to answer questions, but she does anyway. Many times, the questions aren’t related to her job, and she doesn’t even have […]

Swift Kick’s 3 Steps To Creating A Culture Of Connection

A core value of Facebook is “Move Fast.” “Moving fast enables us to build more things and learn faster. We’re less afraid of making mistakes than we are of losing opportunities by moving too slowly. We are a culture of builders, the power is in your hands.” A core value of Apple is “Saying No.” […]

Gatekeepers of Culture: You Have More Influence Than You Think

Sometimes, I feel a little like a Disney princess. Let me explain. The SKHQ office is located in a building in the financial district of Manhattan, on the 20th floor. Every morning I sweep in, juggling my coffee, my phone, whatever book I am reading, and the rest of my life in my backpack. Good […]

Why You Need to Host a Blender Event (Before Your Next Big Event)

Blender Events

How many times have you run around passing out fliers to only have 5 people at your event? Have you spent hours crafting Facebook events, emails and Tweets to only get 2 likes and one person who shows up from social media? How many times have you thought, “There has to be a better way!”? […]

And the Winning #FreeHugs Postcard Is…

Thank you to all those who voted for our 2017-2018 Free Hugs postcard! We are so grateful to Meredith Kenton for such creative contributions. Thanks for taking the time to design great postcards. Meredith is a Chemistry major at Washington College in Maryland. Fun facts about Meredith: Meredith grew up in Portland, Oregon and moved to Pennsylvania before middle school She’s […]

4 Movies That Remind Us to Become a Better Speaker

What do Harrison Ford, Julia Roberts, Reese Witherspoon, Warren Buffet, Thomas Jefferson and Mahatma Gandhi all have in common? A fear of public speaking. From anxiety about a stutter to a fear of what people think, the fear of public speaking manifests differently for everyone. Here are some movies that remind us it’s just another skill […]

Want to Change the World? There’s Nothing to It!

Photo from

If you want to view paradise, Simply look around and view it. Anything you want to, do it. Want to change the world? There’s nothing to it. Student leaders change the world every day. It’s the little actions that determine if students feel welcomed, connected and engaged on their campus. To honor the loss of Gene […]

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